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June 5, 2015 In This Issue
Government Affairs
Calendar of Events
College Relations
Burnett Staffing Specialists
Government Affairs
Thanks to all of you who were able to participate in last week’s Advocacy/Legislative webinar. As promised, we are providing you a link to the recorded webinar and a list of action items from the webinar. We ask that you forward this information to all your chapter legislative directors.
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The 84th Texas Legislature is a wrap. The Texas SHRM Government Affairs/Advocacy team of Kristin Bauer, Pam Bratton and Lon Williams is proud to say we primarily had wins this session and came out relatively unscathed. Texas SHRM worked 17 bills closely out of over 6,474 bills filed.
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AHRMA is celebrating 65 years as the Austin SHRM Affiliate. Our goal: share 65 reasons to belong and participate in your local HR Association. Wendy Chance, vice president of membership with the Austin Human Resource Management Association, asks you to share why you belong to your local chapter and why you volunteer. This issue features one of AHRMA's own committee members, former president Lori Rohre.
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The Mid-Continent Companies, Ltd.
Concordia University
Calendar of Events
July 8-10, 2015
Hyatt Regency San Antonio

Workplace Strategies for Those Who Make Employment Decisions Every Day
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Sage Software, Inc.
College Relations
For those who graduated and those who are continuing your academic endeavors, have you asked yourself what’s next?
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