Listed below are TAPPI Standards that have recently gone out for ballot to the corresponding Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG). The date in parentheses is the closing date for voting.
T 261 cm-10 Fines fraction by weight of paper stock by wet screening (March 27, 2020) T 277 sp-14 Macro stickies content in pulp: the “pick-up” (March 23, 2020) T 401 om-15 Fiber analysis of paper and paperboard (March 21, 2020) T 409 sp-15 Machine direction of paper and paperboard (March 20, 2020) T 480 om-15 Specular gloss of paper and paperboard at 75 degrees (March 23, 2020) T 534 om-15 Brightness of clay and other mineral pigments (d/0 diffuse) (March 27, 2020) T 546 om-15 Machine-direction grammage variation measurement (gravimetric method) (March 21, 2020) T 553 om-15 Alkalinity of paper as calcium carbonate (alkaline reserve of paper) (March 26, 2020) T 555 om-15 Roughness of paper and paperboard (print-surf method) (March 28, 2020) T 558 om-15 Surface wettability and absorbency of sheeted materials using an automated contact angle tester (March 28, 2020) T 567 om-15 Determination of effective residual ink concentration (ERIC) by infrared reflectance measurement (March 29, 2020) T 656 cm-07 Measuring, sampling, and analyzing white waters (April 19, 2020) T 684 om-15 Gross heating value of black liquor (March 26, 2020) T 803 cm-10 Puncture test of containerboard (March 29, 2020) T 826 om-13 Short span compressive strength of containerboard (April 18, 2020) T 836 om-13 Bending stiffness, four point method (April 26, 2020) T 1007 sp-15 Sample location for fiber glass mat sheets (March 20, 2020) T 1012 om-15 Moisture content of fiber glass mats (March 20, 2020) T 1015 sp-15 Fiber glass mat uniformity (visual defects) (March 21, 2020)
Listed below are TAPPI TIPs that were recently submitted to the Working Group for review. The date when the Work Item was opened is shown for each TIP, as well as the Subject Category under which the TIP is assigned and the Working Group Chair's (WGC) name. The target completion date for the review of each TIP is one year after the opening of the Work Item.
0418 - Process Engineering
01/15/2020 TIP 0418-02 Recausticizing material balance equations relating to digester requirements WGC: Subra Arasakesari
1205 - Nonwovens Fibers
03/02/2020 TIP 1205-02 Cotton in nonwovens WGC: Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar
0402 - Corrosion & Materials Engineering
03/02/2020 TIP 0402-03 Guidelines for corrosion resistant weld metal overlay of digester vessels in alkaline pulping service WGC: Nathan Mixon
If you would like to participate in the Working Group to review any of these TIPs, please write to
PaperCon 2020 and updates regarding COVID-19
PaperCon 2020 has been postponed due to the recent developments of COVID-19 Coronavirus. TAPPI is working hard to reschedule, but is unsure of new conference dates at the moment. SARG, Q&SMC and ISO TC6 meetings scheduled to take place at PaperCon 2020 will be held by teleconference on the same dates and times previously scheduled. In addition, considering the precautions against the spread of COVID-19, the TAPPI team began to work remotely on March 18th until further notice. Regardless of this situation, the Standards Department Team will continue to work on processing and updating Standards and TIP reviews. If you also have a mandatory remote work period and you feel that your ability to vote on the open ballots or to participate in any activity related to the reviews of the TAPPI Standards or TIPs is compromised, please contact the Standards Department at or and your situation will be analyzed individually.
Thank you. Priscila Briggs Standards Manager
The Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) for the following Standards are in need of additional members. These groups may or may not have ballots currently open.
All Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIG) require a minimum of 10 members in order to ballot and vote on a draft of a method. The following test methods do not have the required minimum number of member to initiate a ballot:
SSIGs that need 1 member:
T 213 om-15 Dirt in pulp - chart method T 235 cm-09 Alkali solubility of pulp at 25°C T 245 cm-07 Silicates and silica in pulp (wet ash method) T 248 sp-15 Laboratory beating of pulp (PFI mill method) T 254 cm-10 Cupriethylenediamine disperse viscosity of pulp (falling ball method) T 258 om-16 Basic density and moisture content of pulpwood T 573 sp-15 Accelerated temperature aging of printing and writing paper by dry oven exposure apparatus T 829 om-15 Score quality test T 835 om-14 Water absorption of corrugating medium: water drop absorption test T 1215 sp-12 The determination of instrumental color differences
SSIGs that need 2 members:
T 222 om-15 Acid insoluble lignin in wood and pulp T 504 cm-07 Glue in paper (qualitative & quantitative determination)
SSIGs that need 3 members:
T 256 cm-07 Water-soluble chlorides in pulp and paper T 259 om-15 Species identification of nonwood plant fibers
SSIGs that need 4 or more members:
T 223 cm-10 Pentosans in wood and pulp T 226 cm-11 Specific external surface of pulp T 237 cm-08 Carboxyl content of pulp T 244 cm-11 Acid-insoluble ash in wood, pulp, paper, and paperboard T 265 cm-09 Natural dirt in wood chips T 267 cm-15 Compression wood identification in pulpwood T 429 cm-10 Alpha-cellulose in paper T 434 cm-10 Acid-soluble iron in paper T 435 om-16 Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (hot extraction method) T 493 cm-10 Identification and determination of melamine resin in paper T 495 cm-13 Bending number of paperboard T 509 om-15 Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (cold extraction method) T 600 om-15 Analysis of formaldehyde in aqueous solutions and of free formaldehyde in resins T 610 sp-15 Preparation of indicators and standard solutions T 613 cm-10 Analysis of caustic soda T 617 cm-10 Analysis of lime T 618 cm-10 Analysis of limestone T 619 cm-10 Analysis of salt cake T 621 cm-10 Analysis of rosin T 622 cm-10 Analysis of sodium hydrosulfite T 628 cm-10 Analysis of rosin size T 632 cm-11 Analysis of sodium silicate T 699 om-09 Analysis of pulping liquors by suppressed ion chromatography
Participating in a SSIG is free and open to anyone interested. Join now!
The list below show Standards that are ready to be submitted to SARG at its Spring 2020 meeting:
(* = indicates Standards eligible for submission as American National Standards)
1. *T 441 om-13 Water absorptiveness of sized (non-bibulous) paper, paperboard, and corrugated fiberboard (Cobb test) 2. *T 455 sp-14 Identification of wire side of paper 3. *T 515 om-14 Visual grading and color matching of paper 4. *T 804 om-12 Compression test of fiberboard shipping containers 5. *T 843 om-14 Fluted edge crush of corrugating medium (rigid support method) 6. *T 845 om-14 Wet pin adhesion of corrugated board by selective separation 7. *T 1205 sp-14 Dealing with suspect (outlying) test determinations
The next meeting of the Standards Advisory Review Group (SARG) is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 1:30 – 2:00 pm (EASTERN time). Due to the postponing of PaperCon 2020, SARG meeting will be held via conference call only. SARG approval is the last step prior to publication for any new or revised Standard.
In order to act on any appeals from TAPPI members relevant to the Standards up for approval, the SARG meeting is open to anyone for participation. The agenda has been posted on the SARG page*. You can view the final drafts that are up for approval from the links in the agenda.
If you would like to participate by conference call, please send a message before April 17, 2020, to
Reports outlining the overdue reviews for Standards and TIPs were sent to the Quality and Standards Management Committee (Q&SMC) respectively on March 9, 2020 and March 6, 2020. Copies of these reports were also sent to the assigned Working Group Chairmen for these overdue reviews as well as to chairmen of the appropriate technical groups in TAPPI.
Anyone who did not receive the overdue reports but who have an interest may obtain copies by requesting them from
Working Group Chairmen: These reports were sent to you for your information and action, if required. Q&SMC may, according to the Standards Guidelines, withdraw any Standards or TIPs whose reviews are overdue, especially if it appears that little progress is being made on the Work Item. If more information or indications of progress on these Work Items are received prior to the next meeting (April 28, 2020), Q&SMC will take these reports of progress under consideration.
To provide updates regarding these reports, send a message to no later than April 20, 2020, in order to be able to provide this information to Q&SMC at their April 28th meeting.
List of Common Acronyms Relevant to Standards and TIPs
For details on these commonly-used acronyms in the development of TAPPI Standards and TIPs, please see the Standards Guidelines and the TIP Guidelines, or send your questions to mailto: or
TIP = Technical Information Paper Q&SMC = Quality and Standards Management Committee SSIG = Standard-Specific Interest Group SARG = Standards Advisory Review Group WI = Work Item WG = Working Group WGC = Working Group Chairman om = Official Method pm = Provisional Method sp = Standard Practice cm = Classical Method ss = Standard Specification sg = Standard Guideline gl = Standard Glossary wd = Withdrawn Standard UM = Useful Method
Details on how to search and order TAPPI Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods can be found on the TAPPI website’s Search and Order page.
All individual TIPs or Standards are available for electronic or paper delivery. For electronic delivery, the documents are e-mailed in PDF format. Hard copy documents can be mailed or faxed, but shipping and handling costs will apply.
For Individual TIPs, order Item Number: 0108____ (Insert TIP number)
For Individual Standards, order Item Number: 0104T____ (Insert Standard number)
For individual Useful Methods, order item number: 0104UM_____ (Insert UM number)
List price: $49; TAPPI member price: $32. There are no shipping or handling charges for electronic documents.
The 2020 collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs, published through March of 2020 (product code STUCD-20), will be available on CD in April. An Individual or Company License for access to the continually updated collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs via the web is the best way to always have a current set of documents accessible. A print-on-demand version of either the Standards, TIPs, or UMs, current and updated as of the date printed, is also available.
For information and quotes on company licenses, contact TAPPI Press ( or +1-770-209-7277. For regular orders (including individual online licenses), contact Member Connection at 1-800-332-8686 (US), 1-800-446-9431 (Canada), or +1-770-446-1400 (international), or order on line at
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You’ll save $186 alone by purchasing a subscription to Standards, TIPs and Useful Methods Online along with a TAPPI membership. This offer also applies each year you renew your membership.
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