Regulatory Affairs

Canadian Propane Association - Association canadienne du propane


CSA B622-14 – Selection and use of highway tanks, TC portable tanks, and ton containers for the transportation of dangerous goods, Class 2 requires that diesel engines on highway tanks and portable tanks containing dangerous goods of Class 2.1 and being used during loading and off-loading shall be equipped with an automatic engine air intake shut-off device. 

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The Government of Canada is consulting with Canadians to seek their views on how they can effectively update the federal policy on regulation.

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Transport Canada informed the CPA about non-compliances with Equivalency Certificate SU 11248 (Ren. 3).

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In accordance to Section 80 of the Fuel Safety Regulations, applicants for a Class C Gas Operator’s Licence (to transport propane in portable containers) will no longer be required to write the in-house Fuel Safety exam. The full Nova Scotia Fuel Safety Bulletin can be viewed here.

Naylor Association Solutions
Free Access to CSA Standards

A recent amendment to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations introduced ambulatory references to allow stakeholders to use the most recent versions of certain international codes and safety standards for a means of containment. Whenever a new edition of dynamically-referenced standards is published, stakeholders will have six months from the day the revised standards are published to comply. 

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CPA Committee Updates

The Transportation Committee met via conference call on Wednesday, October 4. A summary of the meeting will be available shortly. To join the Transportation Committee, please email

The Codes and Standards Committee met via conference call on Thursday, October 5. A summary of the meeting will be available shortly. To join the Codes and Standards Committee, please email

Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions

Date: Thursday, October 19
Time: 10:30am
Venue: Parkland Fuel Corp. installation, Red Deer, AB
Email to register.

Date: Thursday, October 26
Time: 9:00am
Venue: Four Points by Sheraton in Moncton, NB
Email to register.

Date: Wednesday, December 6
Time: 1:00pm ET.
Email to register.

Date: Thursday, December 7
Time: 11:00am ET
Email to register.

Canadian Propane Association | Association canadienne du propane
410, avenue Laurier Ouest, bureau 406 | 410 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 406 | | @canadapropane