Logistics Weekly

Webinar Series - The Marketing & Sales Management Audit: 60+ Questions to Audit Your 3PL

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When was the last time you audited your Marketing and Sales Management operations? What one word describes the core of marketing? What are the five marketing management philosophies, and which one has the greatest effect on a 3PL? What are the three basic assumptions a sales manager must make to become successful? What are five steps to establishing and sustaining a sales management team? How does money work in terms of motivational strategies for a sales team? Come see if you know the answers to more than 60 marketing and sales management questions that could provide a boost to your 3PL.

Who should participate?
VP’s or Directors of Marketing
VPs or Directors of Sales
Sales Managers

Tuesday, November 5-Thursday, November 7
2-3PM EST each day
Presented by James T. Kenny, Ph.D.

Click Here To Learn More...


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