TX Mining Monthly

Chairman’s Message by Andy Hawbaker – Reflect on Challenges and Blessings

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Chairman’s Message by Andy Hawbaker – Reflect on Challenges and Blessings

The theme for this month’s newsletter centers around “Being Thankful & Hopeful in Challenging Times.” This year has been difficult for many inside and outside our industries. We may struggle to remember the good things that happened, but in a year filled with so much uncertainty and disappointment, we find treasures. We learned how strong our relationships are, as they’ve been maintained during a year of not being able to see one another or talk face-to-face. We’ve learned to appreciate the small things, like the unexpected sale or maybe an unexpected visit from a friend or business partner. This Holiday season, as we celebrate with family and friends, we should reflect not only on the challenges we’ve faced this year, but also on the blessings found, which continue to develop in this most interesting of years.

As COVID-19 first impacted our year, I was asked to compose a note as the Vice Chair of TMRA. In that message, I focused on the new language we were learning and the new ways of doing business through virtual meetings and such. I would like to reiterate that the Texas Mining and Reclamation Association continues to be a place to build relationships. We’ve shown those relationships to be strong and enduring, even during these challenging times. We are friends and business partners. These relationships are genuine and real, and I for one value them greatly. During a time of virtual business, our relationships carry us through.

The Texas Mining and Reclamation Association is a place where these relationships may begin, but it’s definitely a place where they can be built upon and strengthened. So, to any of you holding back, wondering the strength of this organization: Come join us, or come back to us! Rebuild, or build upon those relationships, so that in these unprecedented and sometimes strange times, you know who you can count on. We support each other, through normal times, through a pandemic, and through whatever comes next!

Andy Hawbaker
TMRA Chairman


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