Paving the Way

SCAPA Legislative Update - January 2022

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SCAPA Legislative Update - January 2022

Submitted by Sunnie Harmon and John DeWorken, LobbySC

LobbySC Week 1 Highlights

SC Legislature Returns

The Senate and House returned to Columbia this week to begin its Legislative Session. There are 18 weeks in the Legislative Session each year; and, this year marks the second year of a two-year Session, where if any bill that does not pass the House and Senate by Sine Die in May, the bill will die and must begin the legislative process all over again in January.

Governor McMaster Releases Executive Budget

The Governor’s Executive Budget includes the following funding for Transportation and Infrastructure:

  • $496,942,369 in non-recurring dollars to expedite road and bridge projects at the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)
  • $300,000,000 in non-recurring for the Navy Base Intermodal Facility (NBIF) at the State Ports Authority
  • $150,000,000 in non-recurring dollars for economic development infrastructure at the Department of Commerce
  • $100,000,000 in recurring dollars for a state match to draw down federal funds at SCDOT

Additionally, the Governor lays out a plan to secure monies through the Federal funds, including,

  • A $500 million investment in the revitalization of South Carolina’s water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure
  • A $360 million investment to expedite the existing plans to widen key portions of Interstate 26 between Charleston and Columbia
  • A $300 million investment to begin construction on Interstate 73 in South Carolina
  • A $300 million investment in the state’s broadband infrastructure and connectivity

To read the Governor’s Executive Budget, go here.

House Ways and Means Works on Budget

House Ways and Means Committee members are working in subcommittees to put together this year’s State budget, which includes $1B in surplus monies and another $2B in American Rescue Plan funds.

To look at the subcommittee structure, you can see it here:
To view the House Budget schedule, see it here:

House Takes on Redistricting

The House this week took up Redistricting, drawing the lines for Congressional Districts. The Legislature previously took up the SC House and SC Senate lines in December.

Introductions of Note
Senator Harvey Peeler (R-Cherokee)
Related to the expenditures of the American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Rep. Mike Burns (R-Greenville)
To establish civil liability for an entity that requires persons seeking admission on their premises to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

Rep. Bill Whitmire (R-Oconee)
To provide that a person who clams a Federal Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Income Tax Credit is allowed a credit equal to fifty percent of the Federal Income Tax Credit.

Rep. Bill Herbkersman (R-Beaufort)
Related to the business license tax.


Sunnie Harmon & John DeWorken


Sunnie Harmon


John DeWorken



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