The Tolerance Zone
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Join us for this dynamic and engaging event that is sure to provide practical, relevant information which will focus on damage prevention public awareness initiatives and expand stakeholder knowledge on efforts to protect essential infrastructure.


The format for the conference consists of three days of professional development, workshops, panel presentations, networking events, along with an exhibitor tradeshow.


Click here for more information:

Enbridge Gas Inc.
Cablewave Utility Services
Cablewave Utility Services®
Cablewave Utility Services provides utility engineering and damage prevention services for the telecommunication, electrical and gas industry throughout Ontario. We are hiring OSP Designers, OSP Survey Technicians & Damage Prevention Technicians throughout Ontario! Let’s bridge the digital divide together!
Apply Today!
PGC Services
Vivax Canada
Industry News
Source:  The Star
“There’s one misconception about road building that I do not agree with, and that’s that Ontario road builders leave construction sites unnecessarily abandoned. This statement cannot be further from the truth.”
Source:  CBC
Hundreds of contractors in northeastern Ontario are having construction projects delayed as they wait for underground infrastructure like natural gas and hydro lines.
Source:  Storeys
Government at all levels has touted the need for 1.5M new homes to be built in Ontario over the next decade to keep up with the province’s growing population, but construction capacity is not currently high enough.
Source:  Government of Ontario
The governments of Canada and Ontario, in partnership with Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) Inc., have started construction on a significant broadband infrastructure project on the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, that will see nearly 300 families, farms and businesses receive improved access to fast, reliable high-speed Internet.
Source:  ConstructConnect
The cancellation of three tenders for road resurfacing work by the City of Toronto this summer not only represents a loss of significant work for contractors but it’s also symptomatic of widespread problems in municipal procurement across the province, stakeholders say.
A & J Vacworx Inc.
Cansel Survey Equipment
Source:  On-Site Magazine 
OCS partnering with Construction lab to develop and deliver a new labour relations course for labour and management stakeholders in Ontario’s unionized construction industry.
Source:  ConstructConnect
WSIB payments for some high-wage employers could go up as much as 9.6 per cent next year even if premium rates remain the same.
Reef Industries, Inc.
Source:  Curiocity
Up until now, the best way to train for construction jobs was to be present on-site, along with covering the theory. But thanks to Construction Ontario Training and Resource Centre, there’s now a safer, easier and more engaging way to learn the skilled trades!