The Tolerance Zone
Insight Meets Innovation
Oakville Enterprises Corporation
OEC is driven to deliver value for our customers, providing turn-key services of utility engineering, asset management, utility locates, meter reading, GIS mobile and aerial mapping, utility construction and more. Visit our website at for additional information.
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Registration is now open for the first ever ORCGA Virtual Golf Tournament!
Click below for full details and to register.

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Email for more details.

Enbridge Gas Inc.
DTS Technical
Ontario One Call’s New Web Portal
Ontario One Call Limited®
Ontario One Call is re-creating our Web Portal to improve the process of submitting Locate Requests! 
The brand new EASY TO USE platform will be launching January 2022 and includes request options for different users, easy to submit design and planning requests for Excavators, and changes to the map functionality.
Be sure to check out the new platform and request your locates online.
PGC Services
Vivax Canada
Industry News
Source:  EasyLocates
New technology is great, but it can also be expensive and complicated. Simple innovations
that meet a real need are hard to come by, and that’s what makes EasyLocates unique. It
meets the challenge of helping organize your locates, and it’s simple enough that anyone can
quickly use it.
Souorce:  Government of Canada
Canada's climate is changing from historical conditions, reflecting a global increase in temperature over the last century. Impacts of climate change are affecting many aspects of daily life. Canada's buildings and public infrastructure systems (such as bridges, roads, water and wastewater systems, energy transmission and transit) are guided by codes and standards that have largely been developed based on historical data.
Source:  Canada Energy Regulator
The Regulatory Framework Plan (RF Plan) is a tool produced by the CER that supports planning and communication. The RF Plan describes which regulations, guidance material and other regulatory documents we intend to amend or develop over a three year period and sets out expected timelines for each.
Source:  ReNew Canada
The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) has outlined its vision for future infrastructure planning, funding and delivery in response to the federal government’s proposed National Infrastructure Assessment.
Source:  OACETT
The question is how to mitigate risk once it has been identified, and, how can project management professionals use that information effectively on current and future projects?
Source:  On-Site Magazine
What is the deadline to register a lien? This is an important question for contractors or subcontractors on projects who find themselves concerned about payment.
A & J Vacworx Inc.
Cansel Survey Equipment
Source:  Canada Immigration News 
We will be challenged to recruit more than 309,000 new workers to replace retirees and keep pace with demand.
Source:  Ontario Energy Association
Reaching net zero by 2050 will require a major transformation of Ontario’s energy system. Currently 48 per cent of Ontario’s energy use comes from refined petroleum products primarily for transportation and 28 percent from natural gas primarily to heat our homes and buildings and power industry.
Source:  YouTube
Frustrated with a massive mountain range for blocking your way and slowing you down? Just build a tunnel through the middle of it.
Technoconsor Inc
Vermeer MV Solutions