Featured Highlights
OSCA is pleased to announce that our Call for Workshop Proposals is now open for our Fall 2023 Conference! This is an excellent opportunity to share best practices and programs with your colleagues. We encourage Guidance Counsellors and Careers teachers to apply. See the link below for topic ideas, more information and the application - DUE: April 30.

L’OSCA/ACOSO est heureux d’annoncer que nous acceptons maintenant les propositions d’ateliers pour la conférence annuelle d’automne 2023! Ceci est une excellente occasion de partager vos pratiques exemplaires et vos programmes avec vos collègues. Nous encourageons les conseillers en orientation et les enseignants de la formation au cheminement de carrière à soumettre une proposition. Voir le lien ci-dessous pour des idées de sujets, plus d’information et le formulaire – À REMETTRE : le 30 avril.

OSCA/ACOSO is pleased to announce our 2023 Fall Conference Keynote Speakers:

Dr. James Makokis and Anthony Johnson

The Amazing Two Spirit Couple is on a mission to raise awareness to create equal access for LGBTQ2S & Indigenous populations. Their ability to blend their personal experiences with high-level expertise creates new foundations of understanding for the acceptance of individuals while empowering individuals to give them tools and strategies for how they can be a part of the solution through allyship and unity. In 2019, Dr Makokis competed alongside his husband Anthony Johnson as "Team Ahkameyimok" on the Amazing Race Canada and won, becoming the first two-spirit, Indigenous, married couple in the world to do so.

Your Students Belong Here
Centennial College®
Over the past 55 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution. We have established a unique position in the marketplace locally and around the world – work we are confident has led to our #1 ranking in the Greater Toronto Area for graduate satisfaction. Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of services and supports to ensure students will not only succeed, but truly thrive.
Learn how we can help your students.
We've had a great response to this year's free, monthly webinar series for OSCA/ACOSO subscribers and we thank you for the interest you have shown in the topics we've offered! Your input in helping us to book future professional development for these webinars is very important to us. Please use the form linked below to indicate potential topics of interest that you would like to see in our 2023-24 OSCA Webinar Series. This form will be open until April 15.

Now is the time to nominate a deserving colleague for an OSCA award. Perhaps it is that person who has created a great resource that has allowed students to create their own pathway? Maybe you know a guidance counsellor who is the ''go-to'' person at your school? Perhaps a deserving community partner that provides excellent support for your school?

You have until September 18, 2023 11:59 p.m. to nominate someone, but why not do it now? 

Chacun et chacune de nous connaît un collègue innovateur, qui accomplit avec enthousiasme son travail auprès des élèves de son école. Pourquoi ne pas reconnaître leur contribution à notre profession en posant leur candidature à l''un des prix de l''ACOSO? Pour poser la candidature de quelqu''un, appuyez sur le lien de la mise en candidature. Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être soumises en ligne d''ici le 18 septembre 2023 à 23h59.


The Daryl L. Cook Peer Helping Award

This award is presented to one elementary and/or one secondary school in Ontario in recognition of its exemplary peer helping program.


The Student Awards Nominations are here! Please nominate a deserving student today within five Post Graduate Pathways;

  • Apprenticeship,
  • College,
  • Community Living,
  • University,
  • Workplace. 

Details can be found on the nomination form/link

The link is live on the OSCA website. You can access the nomination form through it. The nominations will close on May 5, 2023. Nominate a student today!


Je m'appelle Isabelle Bourgeois et je suis nouvelle au conseil d’administration de l’ACOSO. C’est avec grand plaisir que j’ai joint cette belle équipe diversifiée en siégeant sur le Comité des communications. Étant fière franco-ontarienne, j’espère pouvoir aider à améliorer la version française du site web de l’ACOSO/OSCA et aider à obtenir du contenu qui reflète la réalité de nos conseils scolaires francophones dans le magazine OSCA Today. 

Je suis enseignante au secondaire depuis 19 ans et j’ai commencé mon cheminement en orientation il y a quatre ans, après avoir assisté à la transition de mon aînée à la 7e année (début de l’école secondaire dans mon conseil). Je me suis prestement impliquée dans les dossiers de transitions des 6e vers la 7e année et des 12e vers les destinations postsecondaires et suis devenue conseillère en orientation il y a deux ans. Je continue d’enseigner la chimie et aide avec la coordination du programme IBDP dans mon école à Toronto. Je trouve très enrichissante l'opportunité de guider mes étudiants à travers la navigation tortueuse du système en éducation secondaire de l’Ontario et les multiples options postsecondaires.

Je crois que la clef d’une bonne base inclusive en éducation est la présence de conseillers.ères en orientation bien informé.e.s, éduqué.e.s et appuyé.e.s. Il me tarde de collaborer avec l’équipe de l’ACOSO pour soutenir les conseillers.ères en orientation à travers la province dans ces trois axes. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer bientôt!



My name is Isabelle Bourgeois and I am new to the OSCA Board of Directors. It is with great pleasure that I joined this beautiful and diverse team by sitting on the Communications Committee. Being a proud Franco-Ontarian, I hope to be able to help improve the French version of the OSCA/ACOSO website and help obtain content that reflects the reality of our French school boards in the OSCA Today magazine.

I have been a high-school teacher for 19 years and started my guidance journey four years ago, after witnessing my eldest transition to grade 7 (start of high school in my board). I quickly got involved in the files of transitions from 6th to 7th grade and 12th grade to post-secondary destinations and became a guidance counselor two years ago. I continue to teach chemistry and help coordinate the IBDP program at my school in Toronto. I find the opportunity to guide my students through the tortuous navigation of Ontario's secondary education system and multiple post-secondary options very rewarding.

I believe that the key to a good inclusive foundation in education is the presence of knowledgeable, educated and supported guidance counselors. I look forward to collaborating with the OSCA team to back guidance counselors across the province in these three components. Hope to meet you soon!

St. Clair College
Zebra Pen
Post Secondary Information
Starting to explore your options early can help simplify your path to college. Here’s what you can do right now to get familiar with the colleges, their available programs, and the application process.

You can start by determining what’s important to you. Colleges range in class sizes, program options, campus location, student life activities, support initiatives, and hands-on experience. Understanding what type of educational experience you’re looking for is a great place to start.

New Programs
Go to humber.ca/newprograms to explore all new programs at Humber. 

Admissions Advising
Domestic applicants can now book a virtual advising appointment to speak to an admissions representative about their application. 


We are pleased to invite you to a free virtual Guidance Dialogue on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Event Schedule

9 am-11 am: Main Presentation and University Updates

Update from the Ontario Universitie's Application Centre (OUAC)
General update on recruitment activities
Updates from Ontario university representatives on admission and general information
11:00 am-12:30 pm: Chat with University and OUAC Representatives

You will be able to submit questions before the event. We will answer the most common questions following the university updates. More details will follow in early April.

Registration is required and will be available in early April. Please be advised that this event is for guidance counsellors only.

Visit Guidance for more information and to register (once available).

Please send all event inquiries to: onunirecruitment@gmail.com.


Dialogues entre les conseillers et les universités de l’Ontario – Printemps 2023 – Séance virtuelle : Date à retenir

Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues, le mercredi 19 avril 2023, de 9 h à 12 h 30.

Horaire de l’événement

De 9 h à 11 h : Présentation principale et mises à jour des universités

Mise à jour du Centre de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario (« OUAC »)
Mise à jour générale des activités de recrutement
Mises à jour des représentant(e)s des universités de l’Ontario sur les admission et renseignements générales.
De 11 h à 12 h 30 : Clavardage avec les représentant(e)s des universités et de l’OUAC

Vous aurez l’occasion de soumettre des questions avant la tenue de l’événement. Nous répondrons aux questions les plus courantes à la suite des mises à jour des universités. De plus amples renseignements seront fournis au début avril.

Nota : L’événement se tiendra principalement en anglais seulement. Puisque certaines universités sont bilingues, les participants auront l’occasion de s’entretenir en français avec certain(e)s représentant(e)s universitaires.

L’inscription est exigée et sera disponible à compter de la mi-avril. À noter que cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation.

Consultez Orientation pour de plus amples renseignements et pour vous inscrire (une fois disponible)

Prière d’envoyer vos questions à l’adresse : onunirecruitment@gmail.com.


Save the Date: Upcoming OSCA/ACOSO Webinar!
Inspiring and Empowering Students on their 
Journey into the Skilled Trades 
Tuesday, April 18 @ 1 PM

OSCA/ACOSO is pleased to invite you to a webinar on how to utilize the power of storytelling to guide students forward in their career journey! In this webinar, Larissa Hofman, vice president of Edge Factor, will help Guidance Counsellors and Career Studies teachers learn about the extraordinary opportunities available in the trades, and will offer exciting access to Edge Factor's story-driven, modular tools that you can use to inspire students to explore career pathways, prepare for success with technical and soft skills, and connect to local training programs and companies. With the ever-increasing demand for Skilled Trades workers in Ontario, it is important for us to be aware of these careers and for students to unlock their potential in these fields. During this webinar, Larissa will share real-life stories that highlight the benefits of Skilled Trades careers, as well as provide best practices on how Edge Factor's innovative digital tools can help you to engage students and prepare them for success in the workforce. Join us for a dynamic session to unleash the power of skilled trades career pathways in your school! Register Here!

Save the Date: Upcoming OSCA/ACOSO Webinar!
Fostering Safe Spaces for 2SLGBTQIA Students  
Wednesday, April 12 @ 10 am

In this webinar facilitated by Erin Huston, Community Engagement Lead from OK2BME, we will cover 2SLGBTQIA identities and terminology, and existing challenges and barriers for 2SLGBTQIA students in school and at home. We will explore strategies and resources for increasing our capacity to provide affirming support to queer and trans youth and create safe spaces for all students. Don't miss this important session to learn more about how to support some of our more vulnerable students!

OK2BME is a program operated by KWCounselling located in the Waterloo Region, which offers programming and services built to support 2SLGBTQIA children, teens, adults, and their families across the region and beyond. This includes individual, family, and relationship counselling, group therapy, recreational youth programming, and public education. Register Here!

This is a fake article

According to the Canadian Psychological Association, it is estimated that 76% of Canadians identify as having experienced a traumatic event, and about 8% of them develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Someone who has experienced trauma and still feels its effects may face certain challenges as they pursue career development. According to the Government of Canada, trauma can result from a variety of situations, and can cause a person to "experience intense fear, helplessness, horror or other reactions of distress."

Career professionals who understand what trauma is and how it can affect a client, and who use a trauma-informed practice to support them, can more effectively help their clients as they pursue their career goals. The following resources can help career professionals understand and support their clients in this way.
The leadership development industry—now valued at a staggering $67 billion and slated to grow to nearly $180 billion by 2032—must correct a glaring, unmistakable, and long-standing branding issue.

There is no such thing as a "soft skill."

Long mislabeled as "soft," these skills are, in reality, the bedrock of effective leadership. It's high time we abandon the outdated and derogatory term "soft skills" and embrace their true essence: professional skills.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer

This is a fake article