July 17, 2024
Some States Say Not So Fast to SEC Marketing Rule
By Brian Thorp
Since first proposing to modernize its marketing rules for federally registered investment advisors, the SEC made clear its stance that permitting the use of testimonials and third-party ratings could “improve the quality of information available to investors, enabling them to make more informed choices.” This article shares insights into the rule modernization activities of state regulators, and more.
Picture This: Can Branded Photography Boost Business?
By Shawna Ohm
Your brand is the overall impression you project to the world, including your prospective and existing clients. Photography in particular creates a unique opportunity since it does more than encapsulate your brand; it’s also a chance to start building or deepening a connection with your potential and existing clients.
Fee-Only Firm Marketing Through the Company’s Value System
By Christina Gayman
As the Fee-Only financial planning field continues to grow (which is a great thing!), it’s becoming more difficult for Fee-Only firms to stand out. Once the newness wears off in any industry, marketing must get creative!
Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants®
Now powered by Gallagher Affinity, Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants assist Fee-Only Advisors and their clients with Life, Disability, Errors & Omissions, Cyber Liability and Long-Term Care insurance planning. We also oversee the design, implementation, and administration of Group Insurance Membership Benefits for NAPFA members and their employees.
Learn about your NAPFA benefits.
Kiva Capital
Dimensional Fund Advisors

The Fiduciary Olympics
By Jim Evans
With the Olympics coming up, it might be fun to apply the same type of arbitrary scoring system it uses to judge the various types of compensation arrangements used by financial advisors. We can call this the Fiduciary event; it is a competition to see who (that is which category) is most fiduciary-ee.
The Shadow Side of Marketing Success
By Jody Jacobson, PhD, MSBA
When advisories succeed at filling their prospect pipeline through effective marketing and they convert their most ideal prospects into clients, they are likely to experience growth. Growth, in turn, predictably increases complexity and will shine a light on organizational blind spots, gaps, and inefficiencies.
Texas Republic Management

Transparency and Trust
By Kathryn Dattomo
Practice Profile Recap