MPIGNY 30/30

WEDNESDAY, February 16: Knock Knock Give a Sock!

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The MPIGNY CSR Committee will be holding a Sock Drive at the February 16 education event at SaksWorks to benefit Knock Knock Give A Sock, an organization that provides donated socks to the homeless in our community. 

If you are planning to attend the event on Feb 16, please consider bringing along a pair of new socks and dropping them in the collection bin provided. The socks can be adult or child sizes, but must be new, never worn, with tags. They do not need to be wrapped.  

Please see below for some background information about the company along with this introductory video.  

“One cold night in November, I was handing out sandwiches to people experiencing homelessness in NYC when one man approached me. 'It’s great that you’re giving out sandwiches,' he said, 'but one thing we really need is socks, especially as winter approaches.' Here I was, sandwiches in hand, assuming I knew the best way to help people. In reality, helping is about listening and hearing the needs of different communities. It was a powerful lesson and I wanted to put it into action. I began that night with a simple step: I went door-to-door on my NYU dorm floor and knocked on everyone’s door. I asked if they would donate just one pair of their own socks to someone experiencing homelessness. To my surprise I got over 40 pairs of socks in a single night, from a single floor. The next morning I walked out of my dorm room to find a huge pile of socks in front of my door from other people who had heard of what happened. It started small, but I knew it was such a simple concept that it could easily be grown. College students love to do good, but sometimes they need a literal knock on their door to do so. And most everyone has an extra pair of socks they can donate. That’s when the initiative Knock Knock, Give a Sock was created.”


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