KSHE Update
December 2020
President's Message
By Joseph W. Taylor, President
As this will be my final newsletter message to you all as your President, please permit me to digress somewhat from “normal.” After all, nothing about 2020 has really been normal, has it?
SWI Is Your Trusted Medical Waste Partner!
Specific Waste Industries
SWI provides medical, hazardous, and pharmaceutical waste removal as well as shredding services for any facility that generates regulated medical waste and pharmaceutical waste.  SWI has been in the industry for over 2 decades and services Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, and Michigan.  Let us keep your hospital safe and compliant.  We are your solution to your medical waste needs!  
Call us today to schedule your medical waste consultation.
Kentucky Spotlight
WKU Public Radio
Some hospitals in Kentucky are making adjustments to accommodate an increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19.
Education and Training
By Mike Canales, VP KSHE Education
Greetings KSHE Members,
Season’s Greetings to you! If you are like me, it’s nice to have the change of season and all the holiday trappings that comes with this time of year. I bet you are also looking forward to 2021 and a fresh start! Before we press on to 2021, I believe it would be appropriate to take a quick look back at all your KSHE Board and a great support team was able to accomplish when it came to delivering education to its members and others in the state, region, and country.
ASHE Update
Health Facilities Management
The American Society for Health Care Engineering's COVID Response Tactics Sharing survey project is a good source of actionable information from a range of health care facilities fields.
Health Facilities Management
The American Society for Health Care Engineering offers a number of tools and resources related to staff training.
Your Facilities Management News
Healthcare Construction + Operations
Designing for resiliency in healthcare facilities requires a flexible approach.
Health Facilities Management
Factoring in technology in the planning stages of a new project lead to benefits down the road.
Three key areas for proper roofing maintainance are flashing points, roof penetrations and foot traffic.
A YouTube compilation of videos of worker errors.
Sustainability Spotlight
Health Facilities Management
Health care acility managers today must focus both on improving energy efficiency and ensuring a safe environment.
Renewable energy, especially solar, is set for increasing growth over the next ten years, some experts say.
Social Media
The orientation of technicians and contractors in healthcare is a patient safety issue that we should all be talking about. Help us get the word out, and let us know how Safe Day One has helped your facility. Please share your experiences with us at info@safedayone.org and follow us today!
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