ILTA Monthly Newsletter

Platinum Awards Program Accepting Applications

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Each year, ILTA is pleased to honor one large company and one small company as recipients of the ILTA Platinum Award for recognition of outstanding safety programs. For the 2021 Safety Excellence Awards, companies with a total reportable incidence rate (TRIR) lower than 0.75 are eligible; to compete for the 2021 Platinum Safety Awards, a company must have a TRIR lower than 0.5. The safety survey submission deadline is May 19; Platinum Safety Award applications are due by close of business May 28.

This year, ILTA is augmenting the Platinum award application by requiring that each company seeking recognition must submit a proposal for the Terminal Operating Practices Symposium (TOPS). The deadline for submitting proposals for TOPS has been extended until May 17. Your company’s proposal does not need to be accepted for the TOPS program to fulfill the eligibility requirement for the Platinum award. 

ILTA is also seeking volunteers for its Platinum Award selection committee. Service on the selection committee is a great way to contribute to our shared goal of an ever-safer industry. Past committee workers also report their participation brought them valuable insights for their own professional development as safety professionals. Volunteer today by contacting Jay Cruz at


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