Cultural Immersion Program, Global Diversity Mini-Grants, and More!
Global Public Service Academies

IIE, in partnership with Go Overseas and AIFS Study Abroad, CET Academic Programs, IFSA-Butler, STA Travel, is pleased to announce the launch of a nationwide campaign asking everyone who has ever studied abroad to encourage college students to study abroad by the time they graduate.

The #GoStudyAbroad campaign is part of IIE’s Generation Study Abroad, a five-year initiative to double the number of students who study abroad by the end of the decade. The contest calls on study abroad alumni to pay it forward by nominating U.S. college students to #GoStudyAbroad by the time they graduate. Teachers, faculty, mentors, students, and community members can also nominate someone that they would love to see benefit from the incredible experience of study abroad.

Nominees could win a $10,000 scholarship for study abroad and nominators are eligible to win travel prizes. The contest runs from February 16 to March 31, 2016 so nominate a student today!


Are you looking for ways to inspire your students to study abroad? In a recent blog on Education Week, Susannah Martin, a secondary school German language teacher at the Sacramento Waldorf School in California, shares ways to inspire students to travel abroad. Click here to read her post, then join her on Twitter this Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 8:00 PM EST to discuss how teachers can use travel experiences to help students make local connections to global issues. Just search for #GlobalEdChat to join the conversation!


New York City’s plan to provide a computer science education to its 1.1 million students will kick off next year in at least 50 schools, which will offer an Advanced Placement-level class or a software engineering program for the first time. Starting this month, schools can apply to offer the "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," a one-year course for high schoolers, or a multi-year software engineering program. The programs, which already exist in a few dozen schools across the city, represent the first steps in a larger plan that officials say they will be working on for at least a year. 

Click here to read the full article


Have you participated in an IIE-administered program or grant? If so, IIE is pleased to offer you the opportunity to connect with the IIE Alumni Community through the IIE Alumni Newsletter and the IIE Alumni LinkedIn group for information about further grant opportunities, job and internship announcements, professional trainings, English language courses, and networking events.  


Application Deadline: March 1, 2016 | Application information

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Wisconsin-Madison established Global Diversity Mini-Grants for educators and community leaders from proceeds from the sale of their "we all" posters. Mini-grants total up to $500 maximum to a single group in a single year for projects that help young people appreciate the similarities and diversity of global cultures. Groups may also request one complimentary set of "we all" posters; additional sets can be purchased. Priority is given to schools that serve low-income groups. Mini-grant applications are reviewed quarterly.


Are you looking for professional development experience in 2016 or interested in learning more about International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE), the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), and our programs? OPE seeks to create a pool of specialists to serve as 'peer reviewers' to read and evaluate its grant competitions. Participation requires up to two weeks with modest compensation.

To learn more and/or apply please visit Peer Reviewers Information page on OPE’s website.


Located in the heart of Castilla, Tierras Sorianas is a highly experiential two-week workshop that offers a unique cultural understanding of the historical heritage of Spain. The objective of Tierras Sorianas is to help you bridge the divide between the classroom and authentic Spanish culture by providing a personally enriching experience that will in turn serve to enhance your study programs and daily lesson plans. 

To learn more about this opportunity in Soria, Spain, please visit the Tierras Sorianas website.


These webinars are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Webinar hosted by My Student Survey, SREB, and EDI from 4:00-5:00 PM EST

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