Fulbright Teacher Program, Webinars, and More!
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Application Deadline for U.S. Teachers: November 4, 2015 | Apply Online 

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by IIE, seeks to improve mutual understanding among teachers, their schools and communities in the U.S. and abroad. This program allows teachers to go abroad for three to six months to take classes at an international university, observe classes and offer seminars in local schools and complete a project of their own design.

U.S. teachers may travel to: Botswana, Chile, Finland, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestinian Territories, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.

International teachers from the following countries may travel to the U.S.: Botswana, Chile, Finland, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Palestinian Territories, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Please visit the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program website for more information on eligibility requirements and application information


IIE is pleased to announce that more than 450 K-12 teachers from all 50 U.S. states have joined the Generation Study Abroad initiative and made a pledge to promote study abroad to their students and communities. To see what specific actions some have pledged to undertake, have a look at these inspirational Teacher Stories.

Help us reach 1,000 teachers: Please take the pledge and share this call to action on your social media channels or with a friend or family member who is a teacher. Help us build a pipeline to study abroad by supporting our K-12 teachers.


Have you ever wanted to take your students abroad but didn't know where to start? Tara Berescik, an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor at Tri-Valley Central School, has traveled with students around the United States as well as to Ireland, Scotland, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Australia. In this blog post in Education Week, she offers tips to help teachers plan and get started.

And mark your calendar to join #GlobalEdChat on Twitter this Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 5:00 PM PDT (8:00 PM EDT) to discuss travel opportunities for students and teachers.


These opportunities are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Alliance for Excellent Education Webinar from 4:00 - 5:00 PM EDT
Register here

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University of Washington 1-day AP World Languages Workshop
Register here by August 17, 2015

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DC Public Schools Global Education Brainstorming Session from 7:20 AM to 8:30 AM EDT
Register here by August 29, 2015

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www.iie.org/iienetwork • Member website of the Institute of International Education
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Send submissions for the Global Opportunities for Teachers Newsletter to teachers@iie.org.

We would appreciate your comments or suggestions. Your email will be kept private and confidential.