Survey Deadline: July 31, 2014 | Complete Online
 Be a part of Generation Study Abroad! Help us engage K-12 educators and their students to build global awareness and to develop interest in study abroad in the future. We value your input, and would be grateful if you would take a moment to give us your suggestions on this survey as we plan our outreach to educators.
In early March, the Institute of International Education (IIE) launched Generation Study Abroad, a five-year initiative that brings leaders in education, business, and governments together to double the number of U.S. college students studying abroad. IIE has already identified more than 300 lead partners who have committed to specific, measurable actions that will help reach this ambitious goal; the result will be thousands more American students graduating with the international experience necessary for success in a globalized world.
To be successful, we recognize that it is very important to begin reaching out to students at a younger age, to help create a pipeline of students who plan to study abroad when they are in college. In the coming months, IIE will work with several organizations who work in the K-12 arena, such as National Geographic, the College Board, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and OneWorld Now!, to reach out to teachers across the country. We are setting a target to identify at least 1,000 high school teachers who will pledge to make their students aware of study abroad, and we will develop materials to help them.
We want to hear from you about how IIE can best engage K-12 educators in the Generation Study Abroad initiative to help students become globally aware. Thank you for participating in this important initiative!
 Recently the Institute of International Education presented IIE Passport Awards for Study Abroad to thirteen students who attend high schools in Chicago, Denver, Houston, New York and Washington, DC. The Institute established these awards to encourage students from inner city high schools to enroll in college and make plans to study abroad during their undergraduate years. To read more about the IIE Passport Awards, please read the full press release.
 With a focus on increasing global competency and other 21st century skills in teachers and students alike, the Asia Society’s Partnership for Global Learning conference should be on every educators ‘must attend’ list. Holly Emert of IIE’s Global Teacher Programs division represented IIE at the 2014 conference, which was held June 27-28, 2014 in Brooklyn, New York. At the conference, she shared information about IIE teacher programs, including the teacher component of Generation Study Abroad.
Wei-Ee Katie Cheng, an alumna of the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by IIE, also attended the conference. Katie participated as a panelist in a State Department-sponsored session, 'State Department Fellowships to Support Global Competence,' where she shared with the audience how she is applying her 2012 Fulbright experience in Singapore in her U.S. classroom to increase student learning.
Enrollment is now open for the 2014-15 session of Global Scholars, an international online learning program designed to connect students in cities around the world. Through a variety of Internet-based activities on a shared e-classroom, students ages 10-13 engage in dialogue with their international peers on topics of interest to all students in urban centers, developing global citizenship and enhancing critical 21st century skills.
Global Scholars is free of charge for all participating classes. An overview of the 2014-15 curriculum, which will focus on vital urban interests in water and environmental sustainability, can be viewed at: db.tt/4CqF2rc5. Additional information and a video tour of our e-classroom can be viewed at: globalcities.org/program-plans/global-scholars/. For more information and to enroll, please contact globalscholars@globalcities.org or call (212) 618-6345.
These events are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).
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