The Global Competence Certificate (GCC) Program is the first-of-its-kind online graduate level certificate program in global competence education for in-service K-12 teachers. The GCC combines engaging online coursework, immersive fieldwork with partners across the globe, and collaborative practice groups with peers nationwide to help educators integrate global competence into their practice, while building engaging and relevant instructional methodology. Developed by Teachers College, Columbia University, World Savvy, and Asia Society, the program is facilitated by Teachers College faculty and renowned educators from across the country. Participants may choose to earn a Certificate in Global Competence plus either 48 Continuing Education Units or 12 Graduate Credits.

Rolling admissions open March 3 – June 15, 2014
The 2014-15 program runs September 2014 – December 2015
In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Stacie Berdan discusses the importance of educating today's youth to be 'global citizens'. In this piece, Stacie illustrates several ways that teachers can globalize their classrooms, as well as provides a list of programs which are designed to give teachers a cultural exchange experience which they can incorporate back into their classrooms.
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African Leadership Academy (ALA) invites dynamic, motivated educators from around the world for a 4-week, residential professional development opportunity on its campus in South Africa. Offering teachers a window into ALA’s unique Entrepreneurial Leadership and African Studies curriculum, the Educator Program is an opportunity to work side-by-side with the brightest young leaders on the African continent and to connect with other dedicated educators from around the globe. At ALA, educators will find an eclectic network of faculty and staff dedicated to creating transformative change in Africa through the power of education and will come away from the experience re-inspired by the innovative wonder of the teaching profession.
For educators interested in the program, the first week on campus will be spent alongside fellow teachers diving deeply into ALA’s unique curriculum, practicing the B.U.I.L.D. process for leadership development, and learning about the beauty and potential of the African continent. The following three weeks will be spent teaching alongside ALA graduate facilitators, gaining first-hand experience with the model, and interacting with students from across Africa and around the world through our Global Scholars Program. The Educator Program at ALA is offered free of charge to selected participants, and more information is available on the ALA Summer website: alasummer.org/educator-program/.
 This month, the Institute of International Education (IIE) is pleased to announce the launch of its Generation Study Abroad initiative. Generation Study Abroad is a five-year initiative of IIE to mobilize resources and commitments with the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. IIE is investing $2 million in the initiative and seeking funds to provide scholarships to college and high school students and grants to institutions. The initiative, which is timed to coincide with IIE’s centennial in 2019, will highlight IIE’s commitment to study abroad and encourage purposeful, innovative action to get more Americans to undertake a meaningful international experience through academic study abroad programs, as well as internships, service learning, and non-credit educational experiences.
On March 12, 2014, IIE brought together leaders from the public, private and educational sectors for a one-day Think Tank at its New York headquarters. In several brainstorming sessions, participants discussed obstacles to studying abroad and ideas to promote study abroad. In the afternoon, participants analyzed the feasibility of the top solutions presented by different groups and shared ideas on how to implement these solutions. "I thought the initiative was an excellent way to bring together different team players within the educational realm in order to develop feasible and sometimes radical ideas that can possibly spark student interest to get a global education and create opportunities for more students to study abroad," Wei-Ee Cheng, Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program alumna and Think Tank participant, reflected after the event
To learn more about this initiative, please visit IIE's Generation Study Abroad website.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2014 | Apply Today
The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) and the Program for Teaching East Asia (TEA) at the University of Colorado invite applications for a residential summer institute for elementary teachers.
Texts and Contexts: Teaching Japan through Children’s Literature, June 22-26, 2014
Using children’s literature, elementary teachers can guide students in explorations of other cultures while helping them develop literacy skills and knowledge of their world. This institute for K-5 teachers will introduce several exemplary works of children’s literature as building blocks for teaching an integrated unit on Japan. Participants will have a unique opportunity to work with scholars of Japanese culture and children’s literature. The institute is limited to 20 eligible teachers to be chosen through a selective application process. Participants will receive travel allowance, room and board, materials, and stipend. See complete details and application in the program flier.
This is a correction to the 'Our Global Village' article published in the February 2014 edition of the Global Opportunities for Teachers. If interested in learning more about this project, please contact Cyrus Konstantinakos, assistant director of the Humphrey Program at Boston University at gvillage@bu.edu (previously printed globalv@bu.edu).
These events are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE).
An Alliance webinar from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST Register at all4ed.org/webinar/mar-20-2014/
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An Alliance webinar from 1 PM to 2 PM EST Register at all4ed.org/webinar/mar-21-2014/
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An Alliance for Excellent Education webinar for 1 PM - 2:30 PM EST Register at all4ed.org/webinar/mar-24-2014/
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