Deadline to log into ERAP Online Services

Earlier this year, primary contacts of Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAP) received an email from Transport Canada regarding their new web-based system called ERAP Online Services (EOS). This new system changes how ERAPs are managed, updated and renewed.

Transport Canada has given a deadline of January 31, 2021 to log into EOS and resubmit your ERAP regardless of when your ERAP expires. If your ERAP expires in 2020, ERAC will contact you around 90 days prior to the expiration date to begin the renewal process. If you do not have an ERAP expiring in 2020, ERAC recommends completing the process below as soon as possible.

For ERAC to continue to assist in managing and updating your ERAP, you must add ERAC as a delegated ERAP writer in Transport Canada’s new EOS system. You may complete this process at any time.

  1. Log in to EOS – the PDF is attached from Transport Canada, with step-by-step instructions.
  2. Once you are logged in, on the Your Companies page underneath the company heading, you will see four options. Please choose Create or View Existing ERAPs
  3. You will be taken to the ERAP Dashboard. Here, you will see all ERAPs associated with your company. 
  4. Under the Actions column, select Update. You will be prompted to provide a reason for the update e.g., adding ERAP writer. This update will not affect your ERAP. Please note that the system may force you to complete the sections called Company Operations and ERAP Contacts before moving on to section 3 for Delegated ERAP Writer.
  5. Add ERAC as a Delegated ERAP Writer by selecting Delegated ERAP Writers and completing the following:
               - Please click 'Yes' for Is a third party assisting you in preparing your ERAP application?.
               - Add the following account as a Delegated ERAP Writer:

First Name: ERAP

Last Name: Writer


Is this Delegated ERAP Writer allowed to invite other ERAP Writers without your approval? Yes

Until what date can this Delegated ERAP Writer edit the ERAP application? Leave empty

Acknowledgement: Check the box

An email will be sent to ERAC to access the account. The designated ERAP writer will only have access to that specific ERAP, not the whole company account. If you have more than one ERAP, you must follow steps 2 and 3 for each ERAP.

EOS System Support

If you require assistance with the GCKey or logging into EOS, please contact Transport Canada directly at 613-990-8150 or at