FSA Announces Change in Membership Dues Structure
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Food Shippers of America announces a change in their membership dues structure effective July 1, 2020.
Membership in the Food Shippers of America trade association is limited to individuals engaged in the business of shipping or receiving food and related productions in the Food and Beverage industry where an individual is someone who conducts business on behalf of a company who has, or maintains, physical ownership of these products within the supply chain. This would include food manufacturing, processing, grocery, restaurant, food distributor and food service companies. Transportation, warehouse, logistics, material, technology and other service providers to these businesses are not eligible for membership but are welcome to attend the annual Food Shippers of America educational and networking conference.
Annual membership dues, which apply from July 1 to June 30, in conjunction with Food Shippers’ fiscal year, will be $75.00 per individual. Individuals wishing to join may pay the dues at any time, or they will be included as part of the registration process for the Food Shippers of America annual conference which is scheduled for February 28 – March 2, 2021. Dues paid before the 2021 conference and dues paid during conference registration will be good through June 30, 2022.
For questions pertaining to this change please contact:
• Earnie Seibert, Treasurer, FSATreasurer@FoodShippersofAmerica.org
• Paul Newbourne, Executive Director, ExecutiveDirector@FoodShippersofAmerica.org