TEXO Onsite Newsletter
Industry NewsIndustry News
In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the government in many U.S. states declared construction an essential business, allowing job sites to remain open. But today, the industry is struggling under the weight of canceled projects, fears over liability and threats the government's Paycheck Protection Program will no longer cover the industry, forcing firms to return PPP funds and slash more jobs, according to the Associated General Contractors of America.
Associated Builders and Contractors reported today that its Construction Backlog Indicator fell to 7.8 months in April, the series’ lowest reading since the third quarter of 2012. The commercial construction backlog is down 0.4 months compared to March and 1.7 months from a year ago. Backlog has declined year over year in every industry classification, region and company size. 
Concrete is one of the most important building materials in use today. It is used in almost every type and size of architectural structure. Hardened concrete is durable, needs little maintenance, and can be used in many ways. However, working with concrete, concrete trucks, and concrete equipment can present hazards to personnel who are careless or ignorant of proper work procedures and use of equipment.
Harrison Steck, P.C.
Griffith Davison, P. C.
Peckar & Abramson
What's Happening at TEXOWhat's Happening at TEXO
The pandemic has brought an abrupt halt to a promising outlook for construction. How much is the industry likely to shrink? What sectors will be most affected? What help are new legislation and Federal Reserve initiatives offering to contractors? AGC of America's chief economist Ken Simonson will present the latest data from their timely surveys and other sources, along with his guesses as to the near- and longer-term outlook for the industry.
Subjects Addressed Include:
  • Identifying who is protected by statutory liens and bonds.
  • Knowing when and how to file statutory notice to protect payment rights.
  • Understanding the remedies available on both private and public projects.
  • Finding out how contractors, subcontractors and suppliers can protect their payment rights.
  • Learning what Texas laws govern payment rights on construction projects.
  • Understanding how the Texas Prompt Payment Acts for both public and private construction projects, encourage prompt payments.
TEXO Safety has created this online training module – in both English & Spanish – to assist with the awareness training of COVID-19 required for compliance. Resources used to create the training were collected from OSHA, CDC, World Health Organization (WHO), and Texas Health and Human Services. This training will assist in providing information, understanding and guidance on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 exposures. Additional OSHA standards training may also be required. Each participant will receive a certificate via email showing completion of their training in the topics listed above.
  • A "No Handshake" policy will be in effect at all events. This includes fist bumps, elbow bumps and other greetings that go against the 6-foot social distancing practices.
  • Social distancing practices will be put in place in all common areas.
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the registration table and in front of all meal stations.
  • Common areas will be wiped down consistently throughout the course of the event.
  • Attendees are encouraged to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after any eating, blowing of the nose, coughing, sneezing and using the bathroom.
  • Attendees who have any symptoms related to COVID-19 are discouraged from attending any events. Attendees who have a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or vomiting within the previous two weeks of the event should not attend.
We will continue to have limited staff in our offices through the end of May, with our team coming into the office every other day on a rotation schedule. When not in the office, our team members are continuing to work from home to serve our members. Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything we can do for you! 
Jack Baxley – VP of Governmental Affairs
Todd Holtz – VP of Operations
Kim Espinosa – Director of Safety
Meloni Raney – President/CEO
We are committed to staying in communication with our members to provide timely updates and useful resources throughout this uncertain period, so be sure to keep checking back on our website for a continuously updated list of resources and materials: www.texoassociation.org/resources/coronavirus.
Fastenal Co.
Reliable Paving, Inc.
TEXO Challenge CupTEXO Challenge Cup
Platinum: Milwaukee Tools
Gold: Mogul Wealth, Prime Controls, TDIndustries, The Beck Group
Title Sponsor: Intex Electrical
Player Gift Sponsor: DGB Glass
Registration Bloody Mary Sponsor: Eyesite Surveillance
Closest to the Pin Sponsor: Mogul Wealth
Beverage Cart Sponsors: J&E Companies, Gray Reed
Golf Hole Sponsors: Dynamic Glass, DynaTen Corporation, Hackett Bonds & Insurance Services
Additional sponsorships are still available! Click below to secure your company's today.
Member Discount ProgramsMember Discount Programs

You can get the best 401k on the market. 100 Percent Unconditional Money Back Guarantee, Superb Investment Options, Award Winning Customer Service and Significant Fee Discounts.  For a Free Evaluation and a Free Compliance Checkup of your current 401k, call Steve Heussner, Steve@MogulWealth.com, at 469-450-4663 or Kirk Quaschnick, Kirk@MogulWealth.com, at 214-420-7152 and mention TEXO.

CompGroup AGC is a registered safety group formed to administer the workers' compensation program underwritten by Texas Mutual for building construction contractors that are members of the AGC. They offer expert claim oversight, specialized loss prevention services, including extensive practical safety information, workshops and special educational events. Call Julie Schatz @ 972-770-4444 or email the CompGroupAGC@RobertsandCrow.com to get information on how your agent can access this competitive program.

Through Reliant Energy’s partnerships with AGC Texas Building Branch, TEXO members receive exclusive benefits for using and promoting Reliant Energy for electric service. 

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