TEXO Onsite Newsletter
Industry NewsIndustry News

Construction Dive: Despite the industry's reluctance to talk openly about it, opioid abuse is costing firms money and threatening lives. Opening the conversation could be the first step to combating the problem.


AGC Constructor: As the costs to resolve delays and disruptions on construction projects reach new heights, contractors can seek guidance from a white paper recently published by the AGC Delay and Disruption Task Force.

Rental One
Griffith Davison & Shurtleff, P. C

The spring session of one of TEXO's most popular classes starts tomorrow. It's not too late to register! This is ideal for construction leaders making transitions to increased responsibility.


Please join us for the annual ASA | TEXO TopGolf Tournament at TopGolf in The Colony on Thursday, February 15. You can join us for the competition or networking only. 


Teams of college students are challenged on their knowledge of construction, time management, leadership, and presentation skills. Join the TEXO Foundation in supporting the future of our industry as they compete in four divisions.


The February installment of C+C is here! Join us at NoRTH Italia in Legacy West on February 22 for cocktails and networking. We look forward to seeing you there.

Harrison Steck, P.C.
Baker Triangle
TEXO Challenge CupTEXO Challenge Cup

Grab a sponsorship spot in every event by choosing one of the year-long sponsorship opportunities. These sponsorship spots provide exposure to over 10,000 people via TEXO media, event emails, and signage at each event. These sponsorships also allows you to secure important TEXO Challenge Cup points, presented by Acton Mobile. 

Secure your spot by March 31 in order to be included in the first Challenge Cup event, the TEXO | ASA Bass Tournament!

Platinum Sponsor: Acton Mobile
Gold Sponsors: Marek, Humphrey & Associates, BakerTriangle, Mogul Wealth Strategies, Procore Technologies
Silver Sponsors: Lee Lewis Construction, Prime Controls, Dynamic Glass, Beck, Bartlett Cocke General Contractors, McCarthy Building Companies
Bronze Sponsors: Ridgemont Commercial Construction, CORE Construction, Charter Builders, Vesta Housing Solutions, Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing, Polk Mechanical

Member Discount ProgramsMember Discount Programs

You can get the best 401k on the market. 100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee, Superb Investment Options, Award Winning Customer Service, and Significant Fee Discounts.  For a Free Evaluation and a Free Compliance Checkup of your current 401k, call Steve Heussner, Steve@MogulWealth.com, at 469-450-4663 or Kirk Quaschnick, Kirk@MogulWealth.com, at 214-420-7152 and mention TEXO.

CompGroup AGC is a registered safety group formed to administer the workers' compensation program on behalf of the members of the Texas Chapters of the AGC. They offer expert claim and loss prevention services, year-round training opportunities, on-site job inspections and other exclusive member benefits, including extensive practical safety information, workshops and special educational events.

Through Reliant Energy’s partnerships with AGC Texas Building Branch, TEXO members receive exclusive benefits for using and promoting Reliant Energy for electric service. 

Enterprise Fleet Management would like to offer an innovative program that drives value for every customer by including best possible pricing and special incentives on vehicle acquisition; providing a separate line of credit; creating a cycling strategy to achieve optimum performance and best resale value; all while reducing the Total Cost of Ownership. Contact Billy Backus today.

AGC of America and Willis North America are proud to offer a new, dynamic and cost-effective way for AGC member firms to offer quality health insurance and other employee benefits. The AGC Alternative is an employee benefits program built exclusively for AGC members. Recieve a quote by calling 1-800-210-5290.

Peckar & Abramson