CMSA'S Pulse eNewsletter

FREE WEBINAR: Transforming Healthcare: Progress Report on CMSA Legislative Initiatives - A Panel Discussion

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Wednesday, November 9, 1-2:15 p.m. Eastern

1.25 Hr RN, CCM, and SW CEs

CMSA’s top legislative priorities for the year include mental health, telehealth and workforce development. Earlier in the year, we heard from case managers, policy experts and physicians on the current state of each of those priorities during a three-part webinar series.

This year has brought great change and challenge for case management and the healthcare system. Keeping up to date on what’s happening on Capitol Hill and how it affects your ability to improve patient outcomes can be overwhelming.

Join a panel of experts as they share updates on the progress made around each of these priorities, how they affect case management, the roadblocks encountered along the way and what could happen next.

Susan Plough, PHCNS-BC, MSN, CCM

Dr. B. Tilman Jolly, MD, FACEP
Matt Dennis, Partner with CRD Associates
Sheilah McGlone RN, CCM
Charlene Neu, CCM


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