CFCA Insider

California Fuels & Convenience Alliance

Federated Insurance
Valero Energy Corporation
ADD Systems
Every year, fires costs business owners billions of dollars-and that number doesn't even begin to measure the impact fires have on the business itself and the families of employees who are injured or killed by the blaze.

Don't miss out on this free educational opportunity provided by our partners at Federated Insurance.

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Don't miss out on these complimentary environmental training sessions provided by Trinity Consultants!

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Mexico needs huge investments in its fuel sector, from new retail stations to transportation and storage infrastructure. Major companies and international investors are lining up in this liberalizing market.

What does the map look like for outside investment in Mexico’s gasoline, diesel, LPG and other fuel markets?

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Henner Tank Lines
Trinium Technologies
Upcoming Events

2017 Meetings and Events


Oct. 17-20


Chicago, IL

Oct. 26

CIOMA Board Meeting

Sacramento, CA


2018 Meetings and Events


January 17

Annual Meeting

Sacramento, CA 

January 18

CIOMA Board/Budget Meeting

Sacramento, CA 


March 20

GR meeting, PAC Auction Membership Dinner

Sacramento, CA 

March 27

CIOMA Day at the Capitol

Sacramento, CA 

March 28

CIOMA Board Meeting

Sacramento, CA 


April 28

CIOMA Destruction Derby

Firebaugh, CA 


June 21

CIOMA Board Meeting

Sacramento, CA 


September 4-6

Pacific Oil Conference & Trade-Show

JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE

September 6

POC Board of Directors Meeting

JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE

September 6

CIOMA Board Meeting

JW Marriott at L.A. Live


November 1


Sacramento, CA 

November 2

CIOMA Board Meeting

Sacramento, CA 

Every year, the NACS Show brings together convenience and fuel retailing industry professionals for four days of learning, buying and selling, networking and fun — all designed to help participants grow their bottom line.

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The Argus Mexican Refined Products Markets Conference is coming back to Houston, October 17-19, 2017. Join key market participants to discuss Mexico's energy reform, the market opportunities it has opened, logistical challenges, existing and planned improvements to infrastructure, legal and tax considerations and other key factors.

Visit to view the full article online.

Industry News
Senate Bill (SB) 1 (Stats. 2017, Ch. 5), increases the tax rates on motor vehicle fuel (MVF), including gasoline, and diesel fuel, effective November 1, 2017.

Anyone who owns more than 1,000 gallons of fuel for sale at 12:01 a.m. on November 1, 2017 must pay the difference in the tax rate. The Department of Tax and Fee Administration will be sending a special notice in the next two weeks with more information and the tax return to be filed by January 1, 2018.

If you have not received your return by late October 2017, please contact the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration at 1-800-400-7115 (TTY: 711). Failure to receive a storage tax return does not relieve you of your responsibility to report and pay the storage tax.

Visit to view the full article online.

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) this week signed bills aimed at advancing and facilitating the state's expected transition to zero- and near-zero-emission vehicles from fossil-fuel automobiles, according to a press release published Tuesday by the governor's office.

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Get ready to scrap your gas guzzler. And your gas sipper, too.

California’s chief air-pollution regulator said this week the state is considering a ban on cars fueled by internal-combustion engines.

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Beginning on October 13, 2018 owners and operators must have their overfill prevention equipment inspected for proper operation at least once every three years.

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On Aug. 7, 2017, the Carson City Council placed a quarter-cent tax on all businesses engaged in oil refining and storage in the City of Carson. On Nov. 7th, Carson voters will have the opportunity to vote NO on Measure C, which will have a negative impact on all Carson residents and businesses.

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Member News
CIOMA Welcomes New Members

Sinclair Oil Corporation

Phone: (801) 362-3409

Contact: Jason Bennett

Sinclair is a family-owned, vertically-integrated oil company, involved in all aspects of our industry, from oil and gas exploration to motor fuel distribution. We have executive offices in Salt Lake City, Utah, two refineries in Wyoming, and branded Sinclair stations in 24 states.

Five Stars Market

Phone: (559) 884-2349

Contact: Saif Hussein

Five Stars Market is a afmily-owned, independent fuel station and convenience store, located in Fresno, California.
California is currently in a desperate state of emergency. Wildfires already responsible for dozens of deaths and millions in property damage rage across the state.

We need to hear from you!

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With your help, The Fuel Relief Fund can ensure that the victims of these disasters have access to vital relief efforts and resources.

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CIOMA is submitting comments and working with partners to combat this rule but your voice is needed! The only proposed method to achieve these reductions is to reduce throughput and overall sales. This will hurt your livelihood and will fail to reach the goals laid out by the District.

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The South Coast Air Quality Management District has continued to push for decisions on proposed rules without making the proper documentation available. While the attached coalition letter focuses on proposed changes to Rule 1180 (emissions monitoring plans), this has been an issue on multiple rules over the past few months. By not releasing scientific documents that show the effects on business and the environment in a timely manner, SCAQMD staff is bypassing the rulemaking process and refusing take stakeholder concerns and expertise into account.

This letter was used to obtain a 30 day delay in the process in order to allow stakeholders to review these technical documents and provide input.

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