ASHHRA eNews Pulse
ASHHRA eNews Pulse: December 2023
Message from the President
Dear HR Colleagues, 
This year as President of ASHHRA has simply flown by. What an absolute honor it has been to serve this incredible organization. I am so proud of the vision and dedication of the Board and Staff. Our healthcare HR family deserves a powerhouse association to surround and support them. ... And wow, has ASHHRA delivered! 
Registration for ASHHRA24 will open soon but you can still plan your budget accordingly! Registration and hotel rates are available on the website so you don't miss the 60th anniversary celebration! You won't want to miss this incredible event!
BONUS: Applications are now being accepted for ASHHRA24 Scholarships!
What are the benefits of revamping job architecture? Is a VP higher than a “Head of”? How does your job structure compare to other healthcare organizations? Get answers to these and more by participating in the 2024 Global Job Architecture Practices Survey. PLUS: Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the detailed survey findings in a special report for the healthcare industry.
Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024  |  1:00 p.m. CT (2:00 p.m. ET)
On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Chris Cimino will provide an update on important new developments regarding union organizing targeting healthcare employees across the U.S. Gain insight into emerging trends in healthcare union organizing and significant regulatory and legislative changes likely to occur in 2024 and beyond.
RTG Medical

Crystal Plus Inc.
American Medical Technologists
Industry News
Becker's Hospital Review
Human resources leaders ranked strengthening the employee experience and organizational culture as their number one overall priority in 2024. Developing leadership and workforce capabilities was listed as the second-highest priority in a new Conference Board survey.
Healthcare Finance
A new survey shows that many Hispanic, Black, Asian, and American Indian and Alaska Native adults in the U.S. believe they must modify both their mindset and the way they look to stave off potential mistreatment during healthcare visits.
Chief Healthcare Executive
Many health systems continue to deal with modest or weak operating margins, and hospitals could engage in more outsourcing in the coming year, according to Deloitte.
HR Dive
The Department of Veterans Affairs credits some of its success to its employee training program, which focuses on providing good customer experience.
Becker's Hospital Review
Healthcare leaders have been talking about the transition to value-based care for years, but without significant movement away from fee for service. That could all change in the coming years, as the current economic climate, with tightening margins and increased costs, is pushing health systems to finally make a move.
Health Data Management
Organizations have traditionally tried to throw tech solutions at problems, but streamlining operations solutions is more effective in easing clinician burdens.
Healthcare Dive
Relatively few healthcare organizations currently use generative artificial intelligence tools, but more than half are looking to implement or buy these products within the next year, seeing operational efficiency is the biggest opportunity.
American Hospital Association
Healthcare workers encounter adverse events and stressful situations that may require time and space to process. The latest poster in AHA’s “People Matter, Words Matter” series gives examples of compassionate language healthcare workers can use to support their colleagues after a distressing situation.