Florida Landscapes eBrief
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Trustee Report

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Welcome to the 3rd piece of this report series, ‘Your ASLA Membership’, telling you just a few notes from our national organization over the last month. ASLA added another 45 people to membership in January. Do remind people who may have lapsed in their membership to rejoin and that payment options are available. Please feel free to contact me at Trustee@FLASLA.org if you have any questions or concerns about ASLA issues.


  •  Did you sign up for How Landscape Architects Can Contract With GSA, webinar on February 6th? It was a great opportunity for landscape architects to learn how to be a part of some exciting opportunities at the General Services Administration. I participated and learn a lot. Take note of future communications from ASLA as they continue to bring other educational opportunities to the membership.
  •  Recently, both President Obama and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Shuster (PA) called for completion of a new surface transportation bill by this summer. ASLA is working to ensure that active transportation programs, like the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Safe Routes to School, the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), and others are continued in a new surface transportation bill.Chapter leaders can help by using the Advocacy Network to send a message to their legislators about active transportation programs.
  •  Complete Streets Projects Needed! Federal Government Affairs Director Roxanne Blackwell is working with representatives of AARP and the National Complete Street Coalition on the 2014 edition of Dangerous by Design, which will highlight how well-designed streets can improve road safety. ASLA would like to include images of complete streets projects designed by landscape architects that have improved safety for all users. If you have a project that could be used for this national report, please contact Director Blackwell.


  •  News of the four new SITES certified projects was broadcast on behalf of the partnership to ASLA’s national list via the PR Newswire account plus environmental reporters and D.C. outlets (two of the projects are D.C.-based). It was also distributed via the social media channels, homepage, The Dirt, and will appear in next week’s LAND.


  •  ASLA will offer free internship postingson JobLink during the months of February, March, and April. As of this morning, there were 79 JobLink job postings, up 23 postings from last Friday. This is the highest number of professional position postings since 2009.

Emily O'Mahoney, ASLA
FLASLA Trustee


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