Exhibitors - have you downloaded the Lead Retrieval App yet?

What is Lead Retrieval?

Use the WRLA Lead Retrieval app to collect Retailer information at the Buying Show. Simply scan your customer's badges at the show and the app collects all the pertinent information for you. After the show is over you can export your leads.

  1. Download the app to your iPhone or Android phone. Get it for iOS or Android at eventbriteonsite.com
    Important: Please ‘allow’ camera access when prompted to enable QR scanning
  2. Enter the event code: wrla
  3. Login using your company code (go to the Members Area for your company code)
  4. Scan badges at the Buying Show to capture leads.
  5. Manage and export contact information

Identify the leads that need attention with your own lead qualification questions and scoring. The App allows you to access and export your event leads after the event.