Trade Show Do’s and Don’ts

Top 10 Do’s... 
  1. Initiate Pre-show Promotions 
  2. Prepare 3-6 Engaging Questions Before the Show 
  3. Provide Incentives for People to Leave Contact Information 
  4. Set Measurable Goals for the Show 
  5. Establish and Even Gender Balance in Your Booth 
  6. Create the Right First Impression 
  7. Keep Notes on Prospects 
  8. Remember the 80/20 Rule... Listen 80% - Talk 20% 
  9. Minimize Using Trite Questions (May I Help You, How Are You, etc.) 
  10. Avoid Sitting, Eating, and Drinking in the Booth 
Top 10 Don’t's...
  1. Ignore prospects by forming a cozy cluster and chatting with colleagues. 
  2. Use the cell phone while visitors are around. 
  3. Leave the booth unattended or leave without informing colleagues. 
  4. Be late for booth duty. 
  5. Stand with your back to the aisle. 
  6. Lean on booth furniture. 
  7. Drink alcohol or eat garlicky or spicy foods during the day. 
  8. Use inappropriate language, complain about the show or about being at the show. 
  9. Badmouth your competitors. 
  10. Let the booth get cluttered, untidy, and unorganized. 
DON'T be unprofessional!