10 Booth Staffing Tips

  1. Don't let body language turn people away from your booth.

  2. Smile and don't have your hands in your pockets, arms crossed, or behind your back like a military guard. Some people will decide to stop in or pass on stopping just by the way the people in the booth look.

  3. Try holding a piece of literature at all times. This will keep your hands in front of you, and you are more likely to appear eager to help, rather than bored, tired, or intimidating.

  4. Stand up and don’t talk on the cell phone or use the laptop.

  5. Make eye contact and say hello to everyone walking the aisles!

  6. Have a message pertaining to your product printed on the back of your business card. When you exchange cards, mention that there is a message for them on your card. They will remember the booth, company and YOU.

  7. Maximize your time in visitor contact, and keep sufficient staff in the booth.

  8. Never eat in your booth, messy, smelly and people won’t want to bother you.

  9. Don’t forget the breath mints.

  10. Smile!