Tradeshow Tips: Pre-Show Promotion!

Less than 20% of exhibitors actually conduct some form of Pre-Show Promotion. CEIR reports that 75% of today's attendees come to an exhibition with an agenda. If you want them to schedule time to visit us you need to get on their "must see agenda." An effective pre-show promotion program has three elements: The List, The Content and The Offer.

The List is almost always the most important and time-consuming activity of the three. You first need to define your targeted audience then locate them for some type of communication. You have several options: (1) show management: last year's registration list (be careful with high turnover industries -- they may have come last year, but are they still in place this year?) They may offer a pre-registration list that is categorized into industry segments and demographic description. (2) Or you can create our own from your database or field sales input.

The Content is what you will have in your exhibit that is of interest to your targeted audience: Your new product. Your demonstrations that provide hands-on interaction. What have you brought to the show that will interest your audience?

And last The Offer - what benefit are you offering that will change your prospect's or customer's life. What solutions are you providing? What will attract them to come to your exhibit? Greater profitability? Improved Efficiency? Or the opportunity to win a iPad?

With the popularization of the internet and broadcast faxes, you are not left to the traditional means of communicating your presence at a show - print. You can begin the dialog before the show using web-based pre-show promotions. With the speed of communication, you can have more than one interchange before visitors arrive at your exhibit. It doesn't really matter what type of pre-show promotion you employ, just so you do something that is a call for action to increase the awareness that you are present to offer solutions. Don't be left wondering why no one is in your exhibit and your neighbor's exhibit is full - conduct a pre-show promotion program that communicates who you are, what you do and what is your offer before they arrive at the show.