Tradeshow Tips for the Sales People Staffing your Booth

Do you have sales people who are "volunteered" to staff your trade show booth? While you welcome their people skills and their product, industry and customer knowledge, there are ... issues ... unique to having sales people as booth staffers.

So here’s an open letter to your sales people who will be staffing your trade show displays. Share it with whomever you wish!

Dear Sales Guy,

You have been hand-chosen to staff our booth at our next trade show. We picked you because you have so many of the skills and knowledge we need: You know our products inside and out, our competitors, and most importantly, our customers. You’re friendly, have good people skills, and aren’t afraid to strike up a conversation.

These are essential skills for a booth staffer. However, there are some...issues...that I’d like to address, and hope that these 9 points wil enlighten you and help you be an even greater staffer in our booth

Click here to download the complete letter with the 9 points