Small, But Important WHMIS Amendment

If you are responsible for doing WHMIS classifications and writing WHMIS-compliant material safety data sheets (MSDSs), you will want to pay particular attention to recent changes made to the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR), which establish the rules for the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Under the Hazardous Products Act (HPA), the CPR amendment SOR/2010-38, published and coming into force February 23, 2010, addresses some issues related to hazard classification and the information provided on MSDSs.

Highlights include the following:

Amended subsection 33(2) now lists the type of additional scientific evidence the supplier may use to determine if a product, material or substance does or does not meet the criteria for Class D - Poisonous and Infectious Material as follows:

The changes to the CPR are intended to clarify the regulations under the legislative authority provided by the HPA and to ensure consistency between the English and French versions of the regulations.

Article courtesy of Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety