Thank You to the VTCA PAC Contributors

VTCA has been aggressive convincing legislators cutting the gas tax is bad policy, in addition to ensuring the gas tax is providing long-term transportation funding. Regretfully, we don’t believe the fight about cutting the gas tax is over. Virginia will also use the nearly $8 billion in transportation funding from Congress over the next 6-years to ensure Virginia’s transportation network continues to provide economic vitality and safer roads. During the November 2021 elections, VTCA’s PAC stepped up in major ways to help House of Delegates candidates win. We have a legislature that understands the balance of business and community needs.

To continue our strong relationships with legislators plus build necessary new ones, it is critical that we are fully engaged on all fronts of the political process, which includes financially assisting legislators who believe in a strong transportation network – both Republicans and Democrats. Our lobbyists and committee are diligently identifying those candidates who recognize infrastructure, and a strong business economy is good for all.

VTCA has had many successes recently that provide your firms with better opportunities today and going forward.  Our success comes from years of working with our citizen legislators to educate them about the indispensable role our members play in every corner of the state to bring infrastructure improvements and business opportunities into the Commonwealth. 

We would like to thank those who have contributed for your support in this important effort.  

If you haven’t contributed to the VTCA PAC yet, there is still time. 

Please mail your check to: 
620 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 120 
Richmond, VA  23236