Nominations Due June 10 for the IIAV Agent of the Year "Golden Eagle" Award and IIAV Company Person of the Year Award

Only YOU know who IIAV’s Agent of the Year Golden Eagle Award and Company Person of the Year recipients are. Let us know by noon on June 10 who you know exemplifies excellence!

The IIAV Agent of the Year “Golden Eagle” Award – recognizes the outstanding contributions of an agency member. Nominations may be made by any IIAV member on the basis of an individual’s industry/professional contributions, association involvement, continued growth, agency achievements and community activities.

Send us your name and who you want to nominate with a brief description as to why your nominee deserves this award.

IIAV Company Person of the Year Award – was established to recognize the outstanding contributions of a company representative.  Nominations may be made by any IIAV member on the basis of an individual who has demonstrated professionalism in the insurance business, excellence in public relations and fostering agent-company relations.

Send us your name and who you want to nominate with a brief description of why your nominee deserves this award.

Send your nominees to Teri Chester at but act NOW and before noon on June 10.

Help us recognize EXCELLENCE in the profession and industry!

Winners will be announced and presented with these awards at the IIAV Annual Convention Closing Banquet on June 28 at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront Marriott.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia