Is It Progress?

We’ve all seen the “stages of grief” and I guess we’re now seeing the stages of a pandemic crisis. 
In March, the initial calls were in regard to essential and non-essential businesses. And, how do we work remotely from our homes? Then it was all the calls about coverages — especially business interruption.  Then it was how to work in this new business and industry dynamic. And recently, we’re getting calls asking how do we re-open our offices safely, and how do we respond when our clients are asking about re-opening their office/business?

It’s likely you didn’t notice, but our entire COVID-19 Resource Page on our website is open to everyone. The urgency of getting this information up and available to you without roadblocks was essential, because when you needed information in order to respond to your staff or clients or even yourself, you needed that information NOW. In times of crisis, you don’t need to jump through hoops.

That’s why our IIAV Connects program is open to everyone — members and non-members alike. Interestingly enough, we’ve even had some calls from members asking if their clients could sign up or access our information. Especially as it relates to reopening our businesses, the information on IIAV Connects and much of the information on our resource page is information everyone needs.

Again, the resource page to a great extent was driven by the questions we received from you. If we received a question from a member related to the crisis, we assumed (for the most part) that many of our members likely had the same question. This certainly was the case with “are we essential businesses” and how to respond to the business interruption questions. 

And the questions related to reopening our offices and businesses are certainly not unique to our businesses. 

Like you, I’m wondering what the “new normal” is going to look like or mean. So, keep those questions coming.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia