2019 Best Practices Agencies Have Been Announced!

The annual Best Practices Study (BPS) originated in 1993 as an initiative by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (or Big I) to help its members build and maintain the value of their most important assets, their agencies. By studying the leading agencies and brokers in the country, the association hoped to provide member agents with meaningful performance benchmarks and business strategies that could be adopted or adapted for use in improving agency performance, thus enhancing agency value. The Big I retained the principals of Reagan Consulting to create and perform the first Best Practices Study. Annual updates are conducted to provide important financial and operational benchmarks and the Study is recognized as one of the most thoughtful, effective and valuable resources ever made available to the industry. 

We are happy to highlight the following Virginia Best Practices Agencies:

Do you want to know what the best agencies are doing to achieve superior results? Use the benchmarks to create your agency's performance dashboard.
Order the e-book ($59.99) - PDF
Order the hardcopy book for mail delivery ($99.99) - full color print
View the 2019 Best Practices Agency listing by state

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia