Ohio Insurance Agents Association Disaffiliates with PIA

Membership announcement follows:

The Ohio Insurance Agents Association (OIA) has notified the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) that we will no longer be affiliated as of April 8, 2019. OIA will remain affiliated with the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big "I").

PIA has partnered with Ohio agents for many years, however, given the challenges and opportunities that face independent agents in today’s changing marketplace, it is critically important for OIA to invest our membership resources in the most prudent manner possible.

The OIA agent leadership has comprehensively evaluated our dual affiliation at the national level since early 2013 — that process continued until a decision was reached this year. We concluded that supporting two national associations that essentially do the same thing is not sustainable.

You will find a Q&A here that provides more detail on our decision-making process and what it means to our members. It is difficult to cover everything, but we believe this provides a solid basis for understanding the process and the decision.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia