IIAV Announces RESPA Warning – New Technical Bulletin Addresses Agreements with Settlement Service Providers

IIAV engaged the services of real estate law specialist Blake Hegeman to review the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act for “land mines” that could impact insurance professionals. The result of the review is a new “technical bulletin” that addresses RESPA and areas of concern to agents.

IIAV’s Technical Bulletins – for IIAV members only – provide in-depth review on a wide range of issues of concern to agents, from rebating to document retention procedures. The new title: URGENT – Increased Enforcement of the Real Estate Settle Procedures Act (RESPA) Against Settlement Service Providers is now available to members for review.

Blake Hegeman has 11 years of experience practicing real estate and association law as an attorney for a large Virginia nonprofit. He currently practices at a firm in the Richmond area. He is currently serving his second three-year term on the 12-member Board of Governors of the Virginia State Bar’s Real Property Section, and is Co-Chair of the Ethics Committee. 

Active with the Real Property Section for several years, Blake served as an area representative to the section, where he taught classes on real property disclosures to attorneys around the Commonwealth and contributed articles on real estate law to the section’s publication, The Fee Simple. Blake is also a past member of the American Society of Association Executive’s Legal Section Council. Additionally, he was a guest lecturer on real estate law at Regent University Law School and Virginia Commonwealth University.

Blake graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Virginia Tech, and attended the University of Richmond School of Law. He has spoken and been published nationally on the law.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia