"Are You Hiring? Put Yourself in Your New Hire’s Shoes."

It’s that time of year, Spring PLUS new hire season. This time every year, thousands of companies hire interns and trainees with start dates in May or June. 

If you are hiring talent for this Spring or Summer, take a first step – put yourself in the new hire’s shoes. How can your company create the most successful onboarding process?

Here are four quick tips – according to Harvard Business Review:

1.       Focus on the culture
If your new hire is coming onboard from outside the company, don’t assume that they know the insurance lingo or how the industry works. Provide tools for the new hire to investigate on their own and be sure to translate it for them. At meetings, help them to understand meeting dynamics by debriefing afterwards, addressing some of the finer points of relationships between people that an outsider would have no way of knowing.

2.       Get the entire team involved
It is kind to make sure everyone is aware of the new hire’s arrival. Be sure to have their desk ready and ask the team to welcome their new team member. Consider assigning a mentor or buddy to check in regularly. Pre-arrange a calendar for the first two weeks. 

3.       Expectations should start on day one
Small expectations and goals matter. Often we think that expectations can be overwhelming to a new hire. Not so, everyone wants to know what’s expected the first week, 30 days, 60 days, etc. Along with this should be regular check-ins — at least Monday and Thursday, to address targets for the week and questions that have surfaced. 

4.        Don’t overlook the little things
Put yourself in the new hire’s shoes — make them feel welcome and happy they made the decision to join your company. Part of creating a welcoming environment includes having logistics like business cards, workstations and access passes ready to go. Lunch the few days should never be alone. 

 Your State Association has the perfect tool to help your new hire with insurance industry lingo. Our Introduction to Insurance eLearning bundle is only $80. Visit http://bit.ly/2q3Lq0t

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