UPDATED Information Security Program Template Now Available to IIAV Member Agencies

In response to Virginia Statute 38.2-613.2 requiring agencies to have a written information security program, IIAV had an Information Security Program template developed for its members some five years ago.  This template was an effort to help agencies avoid getting overwhelmed with the technical jargon of the information required and discard complying with this code. 

We recently had this template reviewed and updated.  If you would like a copy of the updated template, contact Linda Loving at lloving@iiav.com or visit our website.  The template is intended to be used as a baseline and should be modified based on your agency’s specific requirements.  

Don’t get caught being out of compliance and having to pay a potential fine.  Make sure your agency is complying by implementing your written security program.

Just as important ... do you have a Cyber Liability policy in place for your agency? If not, IIAV has partnered with Arlington/Roe and Beazley to offer our member agencies an exclusive cyber program to help protect your agency.  With the amount of personal information agencies collect, and the number of email hacking and phishing scams happening daily, Cyber Liability coverage is our fastest growing member product.  Our slot-rated program with a short form application makes it easy for you to bind coverage.  Check out our rate grids to quickly determine your premium based on limits you desire and send in your application today.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia