Meet Christi!

Christi Coleman, ACSR (Life & Health, Personal Lines)

Claims Account Manager, Bankers Insurance

Tell us how you found insurance – or how insurance found you!

I was working in sales with our local radio station and just happened to go into an insurance agency in Buena Vista. The lady behind the desk looked very frazzled and I told her it looked like she could use some help. She said yes and asked if I was interested. We talked for a while and then the owner met with me and offered me a job right on the spot!

What do you wish that more people knew about insurance?

To not be afraid of insurance. Yes, it is a lot to learn but it can be very rewarding when you are able to help people with the protection they need. Home, auto or benefits.

Who do you know or admire that impresses you with what they’ve accomplished? Why?

My mom. She had the hardest job in the world! Raising 3 daughters by herself!  Why is this so great? We may not have had much growing up, but that didn’t keep us from accomplishing what we set our minds to! Through every trial we have each faced, we have survived and risen above. That can only come from the strength that was ingrained in us growing up and the knowledge that we can achieve anything we want as long as we work for it!

You obviously see the importance of education. Share one or two ways that you’ve grown or that you’re better in your role as a result.

Education prepares us for what we all face on a daily basis. Our clients’ needs change and I feel the more we know, the better we can help. Learning to do Medicare Part D drug comparisons played the biggest part of my role when I was in Benefits. The client relied completely on me to make them aware of the drug plans that would best suit their need depending on the medications they were on.

What is something you could give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? (Professional or personal!)

That our words and actions really do make an impact on those around us, good or bad.

What do you love most about your job?

Feeling like I have helped our clients to the best of my ability and really made a difference.

What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

Ride in a helicopter!!

Tell us the funniest thing that’s happened to you professionally.

My very first Part D client phone call. I had received the signed Scope of Appointment forms and was preparing to do the drug comparison for this gentleman. He was listing off his medications and then said he only had one more. He wanted to know if medical marijuana was covered!!!  I laughed out loud! After the laughter died down, he finally said he was just kidding!! Talk about an ice breaker!! I still laugh about that!!

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