Notice of Annual Meeting, Elections and Bylaw Vote – Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We hope that you have registered to attend the IIAV Convention at The Homestead June 19th through the 21st as we have a wide range of educational sessions, updates on our national association, a sold-out exhibition hall and excellent networking opportunities mixed in with a little bit of fun. The Homestead, of course, is one of the nation’s premier locations, and you won’t find a better room rate.

As with all such conventions, there is a little bit of business that we have to accomplish, too. This is your notice that the IIAV Annual Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21st at our Annual Awards Banquet and Business Meeting Dinner. We will elect our new officers for the coming year and will also vote on a bylaws amendment.

The IIAV Nominations Committee has met and will place in nomination the following officers and directors:

We hope you will attend the dinner and lend your support for these new officers and directors of IIAV.

In addition, we will have a vote on a proposed bylaw amendment as follows:

IIAV follows Robert Rules of Order and assessments cannot be made on the membership unless it is specifically authorized in the bylaws. This past year, IIAV found itself assessed by the national association, but there was no way to apply that assessment to the membership. While the board did everything possible to absorb the IIABA assessment without an increase in dues, the inability to respond to a national assessment was of concern and it was recommended by legal counsel that IIAV’s Bylaws be amended. IIAV members should know that there are no assessments contemplated.

If you have not yet registered for the IIAV Convention – please do so as soon as possible. Simply put, you won’t want to miss the 2011 IIAV Convention and Exhibition at The Homestead. For more information go to

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