CE Checklist

Another biennium comes to a close on December 31, 2010. Make sure that you are compliant with all of your C.E. credits so you don’t lose your license or have to pay a fine. Here is a basic C.E. checklist to make sure you are compliant.

  1. Have you paid your $15 biennium fee?
  2. If you have one license do you have 16 hours of credit which includes 2 L&R?
  3. If you have both P&C and L&H licenses do you have 24 hours of credit with 8 in each license and 2 L&R?
  4. Are no more than 75% of your required credits company sponsored?

Check your CE transcript and pay your biennium fee HERE.

If you have questions relating to your license or CE please contact IIAV’s Education Department at 1-800-288-4428 or visit www.iiav.com

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia