I’ve Seen the Future....and It Looks Pretty Darn Good!

Despite what William H. Talley VI says, the future of our industry and association looks great! I recently attended the IIAV Young Agents Conference in Wintergreen and was struck by the professionalism and dedication of those who attended the conference. In short, there were some pretty sharp young agents there and they’ve created a networking organization that meets their needs and they’ve virtually created this organization from scratch. Just over nine years ago there was only a handful of young agents associated with the IIAV program...now there are close to 1,000.

William H Talley, VII guess one of our biggest decisions related to the young agents program was to get out of their way. They built their program based on their needs and wants and especially their need to get to know others in our industry who were as young as themselves. We might feel angst as the gray-hairs in our industry, but I for one am taking comfort that the next generation in our industry is clearly ready to lead.

If your agency – large or small – has young professionals as producers and/or CSRs, I guarantee that the agency investment into letting them become involved in the Young Agents program would pay overwhelming benefits. I remember someone asking, "Do you REALLY want someone working for you who is NOT keeping up with industry practices?" And I guess I could say the same thing about our young agents program. If your young agents are not learning from their peers on how this industry works and progresses, do you really think they are an asset to your agency?

Again, I was impressed by the agents attending our conference. One future day, many of those agents will be directors on our board...and chairmen of the board. I’ll be proud to be associated with them – and I hope I can keep up with them.

Make sure your young agents get involved. Make sure they participate in this program. Help your young agents turn themselves into true industry leaders, and insist they participate in the IIAV program. I’m absolutely certain that it will pay huge dividends for your agency.

If you can predict the future by attending a young agents conference...then IIAV is looking pretty darn good – GREAT!



Robert N. Bradshaw Jr., MAM
President & CEO

P.S.  William H. Talley VI is just the latest in a long line of professionals in the William H. Talley Insurance Agency of Petersburg, VA . Bill Talley IV is currently on the IIAV Board and Bill V is actively involved in the agency. I suspect the long line of insurance professionals will continue on the Talley home front.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia