VAIA & InVEST Explain Insurance in the Real World

VAIA and InVEST made a big splash at the 2010 Financial Literacy Summit held on October 12, 2010 in Richmond. The Financial Literacy summit is held every year for teachers in Virginia to learn about the resources available to them to teach financial literacy in their classroom. Virginia recently passed a financial literacy requirement that all incoming freshman will have to meet. This is has made teachers increasingly aware of the need to get financial literacy teaching tools into their classroom.

It was a great day getting to interact with a variety of teachers from across the state. VAIA had a round table that showcased how to teach insurance literacy. Dennis Winfree of Horizon Insurance provided insight on his role as a volunteer for VAIA and how he bring insurance alive in the classroom when he guest speaks at local high schools and community organizations. InVEST had a breakout session that demonstrated a game that could be played by students to see how insurance companies work.

Overall it was a great experience and we are looking forward to next year’s event already.

Kristina Preisner (, IIAV Education Marketing Coordinator & VAIA Executive Director.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia