Big I Virginia E-News
November 2020

A New Law for Drivers

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PUT THAT CELL PHONE DOWN! And you thought I’d mention something about the election.
As the transition/non-transition plays out, and the control of the Senate doesn’t seem to be clear until January, there really isn’t that much to say about the election that you have not already seen.
So … Starting January 1, 2021, there’s a new law that takes effect that you cannot have a cell phone in your hand while driving. The law passed during the last session of the General Assembly with a delayed effectiveness date of January 1, 2021.

As a member of DriveSmart Virginia – an organization charged with helping to promote the new law, we have received considerable information from them to help you notify your clients about the new law. Take a look at these sites:

Online Store:

These sites have information that you can use to update your website, send through social media and even print and post at your office. Tell everyone you know about the new law and encourage them to drive safely.  Maybe target some of your younger customers who some believe have smart phones glued to their hands — not the thing to do while driving.

There isn’t a soul I know that is not concerned about distracted driving and I'm sure you see it all the time:  The car in front of you weaving in and out of their lane. The car that just sits there when the light turns green. A driver holding the phone under their face while driving (one of my favorites).

We worked with others, including DriveSmart Virginia, to get this law passed, coming too close several years in a row before it passing last year.  Simply  put, people need to concentrate on their driving, and driving on a cell phone is a MASSIVE distraction. 

Help spread the word. Update your website, email signatures and social media, and tell people about the new law. The links above should make it easy for you.

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., IIAV President & CEO

P.S.  And on the behalf of the entire IIAV staff — we thank you for your membership and we’re thankful for your support. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.