Big I Virginia E-News
November 2019

Let the Mudslinging End ...

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Let the mudslinging end ...

The election is over and I don’t know of anyone who will miss the political ads on TV or the radio, or the Internet. Truly, Joe and I work with many of these people and while we don’t always agree with our political leaders, most are really not as bad as they are portrayed. That said, you do have to wonder about the sanity of someone who would subject themselves and their family to such abuse for a “part time” job. I’ll take many at their word in that all they want to do is help the Commonwealth of Virginia.

We have a new dynamic now, with the Democrats taking over the leadership of both the Virginia House of Delegates and State Senate. The insider discussions will start soon over who will be chairing what committees and what will be the make-up of the committees? We already hear that there will be a challenge for the position of House Speaker.

When asked, I generally respond that our issues don’t have an R or a D after them. Cybersecurity, agent licensing, commercial coverage, Peer-to-Peer Car Rentals ... for the most part, these are NOT political issues. That said, some of these, and especially personal lines, may be constituent issues. Problems happen and legislators will call on us for help and we’re happy to respond. Solutions don’t always have to be legislated.

Of course, health insurance, health coverage, affordable health coverage, surprise billing, has become very political. We see affordability from both the insurance agent perspective and the employer side. IIAV has employees and we provide health coverage for them. Two weeks ago, we were contacted by the Governors office to float some ideas by us on the affordability side. We try to help in any way that we can.

The new legislature will be different and we’ll figure it out. We have friends on both sides of the aisle. And if you personally know a new legislator, please let us know — local contacts are essential. Drop me an email at And if you don’t know your new legislator, 1) give them a call, introduce yourself and offer any assistance you might be able to provide; 2) sign up for the IIAV Insurance Day on the Hill for February 5th, 2020. Come to Richmond and meet your legislator.

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM
IIAV President & CEO

P.S. – If I don’t speak with you before then, I hope that each and every one of you has a great Thanksgiving. We’re thankful for your support and confidence in helping you and your agency. Thank you.

RT Specialty - Richmond
ICW Group