VBA Announces New Career Center Partnership: BankTalentHQ

Finding and keeping top talent is high on the list of the many challenges Virginia banks face. We hear over and over from our members about how difficult it is to attract quality employees and that the pool of available candidates has shrunk exponentially over the last decade. The solution is BankTalentHQ — the premier talent management site for financial industry careers, brought to you by the VBA and in partnership with other state banking associations across the country.

When you post on BankTalentHQ, through their partnership with America’s Job Exchange, your open position is also posted on a combination of 7,500 employment offices, community-based organizations and specific diversity hiring sites. Your position will also be funneled to Top USA Jobs, U.S. Military Pipeline, multiple state banking association websites, as well as hundreds of others. Our goal is to generate the candidates who have the skills and experience that your organization needs.

In order to drive talented job seekers to the site, we need job posts from as many Virginia banks as possible. The more jobs posted, the easier it will be to build the talent pool of resumes. For a limited time, we will be offering FREE 30-day job postings for VBA members to assist in the progression of the site. Contact Amy Binns to learn more.