
Coronavirus Resources Available from the ABA, Compliance Alliance and S&P Global

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To help bankers keep track of developments related to the 2019 novel coronavirus, the American Bankers Association (ABA) recently released pandemic planning and business continuity resources for banks. This members-only webpage has information and resources from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, financial regulatory agencies and others. The page also includes information on frauds and scams that have been reported in conjunction with the outbreak. The page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. View the resources here.

The ABA will also host a free webinar on the coronavirus and pandemic planning this Thursday, March 12, at 1 p.m. The webinar will provide an overview of the health threat and review CDC guidelines on virus transmission; help bankers assess their business continuity plans and highlight available resources to assist with planning; and review leading industry practices and lessons learned in a 2007 pandemic exercise conducted by public and private-sector participants. You can register for that webinar here.

VBA Endorsed Provider Compliance Alliance is offering their Pandemic Planning Policy to VBA member banks. This policy provides guidance to assist bank personnel in performing their respective duties and responsibilities to ensure the availability of critical financial services of the bank in the case of a pandemic. The objective of the policy is to mitigate risks from both internal and external sources. Download the policy here.

To keep you up to date, VBA Endorsed Provider S&P Global has launched Coronavirus: The Global Impact, a weekly newsletter highlighting their best insights into public health, the global economy, its sectors and commodity markets. You can sign up here to receive this newsletter on a regular basis. View their most recent updates here.


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