JMU Offers Insights Into Future Plans

Mike Davis, Executive Advisor to the President at JMU, joined VRHC at our Morning Motivator on April 4th to discuss the future plans for JMU. Mike said that JMU is not expecting any major jump in enrollment in the near future. However, they do hope to reach a goal of 23,000 enrolled students at some point over the next several years (an increase of 2,000 students from today's enrollment numbers). But he explained they expect this to be a slow, gradual increase in small increments over the coming years. There were major jumps in the 90s, which caused a strain on the University's resources to maintain the campus with so many additional students at once. 

JMU is currently constructing a new dorm to replace Chandler Hall. They expect this new dorm to open in Fall 2019 and it will have 130 more beds than currently in Chandler Hall. Members of VRHC opened discussion with Mike regarding their relationships with the students living in their communities and how they can work with JMU to better serve the students as well as educate the students on best practices for off campus housing. Mike informed our members that a new VP of Student Affairs will be joining JMU this summer and he expects that he will be implementing some new procedures and will encourage him to communicate with VRHC members. 

Rebecca Carbaugh with the JMU Off Campus Life office also attended our event. Rebecca informed our members that she is currently offering a class to JMU students that will educate them on lease signing procedures and best practices as well as the responsibilities of a resident. Unfortunately, this class is not mandatory so she has not seen a strong participation as of now but hopes to see attendance grow over time. VRHC members brainstormed with Rebecca on ideas to improve participation in this course as well as how we can work with her office to encourage students to participate. Rebecca also informed us that members can obtain free mediation services regarding resident disputes through JMU's Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices. 

This was a great meeting and VRHC hopes to build on the relationships established during this event.