Yes, Mulch Can Put a Property Manager in Jail

If your Legislator Voted No Call and Ask them Why and to Change their Mind for the Next Vote!

Bill Process Explained:  The House passed HB 1595 bill and the Senate passed SB 972.  Now, the bills take a trip across the Capitol Building so that the “other” chamber can vote.  The Senate votes on HB 1595 and the House votes on SB 972. Why 2 identical bills?  This gives us 2 chances to get a law on the books. 

The Problem:  The Senate did not pass our bill by a large enough margin to avoid a possible veto by the Governor.  We need VAMA members to keep the pressure on their Senators and ask those that voted “Nay” to vote “YEA” to HB 1595 when it comes up on the Senate Floor!

The Action:  Contact your Senator and Delegate especially if they voted Nay 

SenateVote Tally:  contact your Senator and tell them to VOTE “YEA” to HB 1595!

YEAS--Barker, Black, Carrico, Chafin, Chase, Cosgrove, Deeds, DeSteph, Hanger, Lewis, Marsden, McDougle, Newman, Norment, Obenshain, Peake, Petersen, Reeves, Ruff, Stanley, Stuart, Sturtevant, Suetterlein, Surovell, Vogel, Wagner--26.

NAYS--Dance, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Mason, McClellan, McPike, Saslaw, Spruill, Wexton--13.

RULE 36--0.

NOT VOTING--Dunnavant--1.

House Vote Tally:  contact your Delegate and tell them to VOTE “YEA” to SB 972!

YEAS--Adams, D.M., Adams, L.R., Aird, Austin, Ayala, Bagby, Bell, John J., Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Bloxom, Bourne, Boysko, Brewer, Bulova, Byron, Campbell, Carr, Carroll Foy, Cline, Cole, Collins, Convirs-Fowler, Davis, Delaney, Edmunds, Fariss, Filler-Corn, Fowler, Freitas, Garrett, Gilbert, Gooditis, Guzman, Habeeb, Hayes, Head, Helsel, Heretick, Herring, Hodges, Hope, Hugo, Hurst, Ingram, James, Jones, J.C., Jones, S.C., Kilgore, Knight, Krizek, Landes, LaRock, Leftwich, Lindsey, Lopez, Marshall, McGuire, McQuinn, Miyares, Morefield, Mullin, Murphy, O'Quinn, Orrock, Peace, Pillion, Pogge, Poindexter, Price, Ransone, Rasoul, Reid, Robinson, Rodman, Rush, Sickles, Simon, Stolle, Sullivan, Thomas, Torian, Toscano, Tran, Turpin, Tyler, VanValkenburg, Ward, Ware, Watts, Webert, Wilt, Wright, Yancey, Mr. Speaker--94.

NAYS--Carter, Keam, Kory, Levine, Plum, Roem--6.




What to Send to your Elected Official?  Below are sample emails and instructions:

1.  Click HERE and input your HOME address in the top right corner and a list of your elected officials with             contact information will appear on the bottom.
2.  Input the Delegate or Senator's last name and your information in the closing of the sample email.
3.  Copy the emails and send them from your personal email address
4.  BCC me at
Delegate Email:
Dear Delegate **insert delegate’s last name**:
I live in your district and I would like to know if I can count on your support of SB 972 when it comes before the House for consideration.
Two years ago, the general assembly passed legislation that was intended to prohibit the city of Harrisonburg from requiring a retrofit of landscaping.
After this bill became law, the City of Harrisonburg tweaked a small portion of their ordinance to work around the intent of the law. A lawsuit was filed and the judge ruled that while Harrisonburg’s ordinance did not meet the spirit of the law, it did comply with the letter of the law.
Please support this bill which will clarify the 2016 legislation and:
1. Protect the rights of property owners, including churches, office buildings and retail shops from overreaching local government action
2. Ensure that The Dillon Rule remains unchallenged in the state
3. Keep localities from arresting and jailing property owners and managers for up to 12 months simply for refreshing the already approved landscaping on their properties.
Thank you for representing me and voting for SB 972.
Your Name
Your Home Address
Your phone number
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above or Brian Gordon with VAMA/AOBA at (703) 307-0564.
Senator Email:
Dear Senator **insert Senator’s last name**:
I live in your district and I would like to know if I can count on your support of HB 1595.
Two years ago, the general assembly passed legislation that was intended to prohibit the city of Harrisonburg from requiring costly retrofits of landscaping.
After this bill became law, the City of Harrisonburg tweaked a small portion of their ordinance to work around the intent of the law. A lawsuit was filed and the judge ruled that while Harrisonburg’s ordinance did not meet the spirit of the law, it did comply with the letter of the law.
Please support this bill which will clarify the 2016 legislation and:
1. Protect the rights of property owners, including churches, office buildings and retail shops from overreaching local government action
2. Ensure that The Dillon Rule remains unchallenged in the state
3. Keep localities from arresting and jailing property owners and managers for up to 12 months simply for refreshing the already approved landscaping on their properties.
Thank you for representing me and voting for HB 1595.
Your Name
Your Home Address
Your phone number
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above or Brian Gordon with VAMA/AOBA at (703) 307-0564.